Organism | Entitled | Link |
AFM | Congresses and conferences | +info |
Aix-Marseille Université | Appels à projet Transfert AAP 4 – Ingénierie et montage de projets européens | +info |
Alzheimer Association | Alzheimer’s Association World Wide FINGERS Network Funding Program (ALZ WW-FNFP) | |
Alzheimer’s Association | Program for Global Real-World Data Platforms (ALZ-RWD) | +info |
Alzheimer drug discovery foundation | Diagnostics Accelerator: Peripheral Biomarkers Program | |
Alzheimer drug discovery foundation | Diagnostics Accelerator: Digital Biomarkers Program | | | Travel Grant Program | +info |
Arsep | Communication proposals | +info |
Arsep | Working visits | +info |
Association française du syndrome de Rett (AFSR) | Appel à projets | |
Association française du Syndrôme de Rett | Biothérapies innovantes | +info |
Austrian Science Fund (FWF) | Erwin Schrödinger Fellowships | |
Boehringer Ingelheim Fonds | Travel grants - Please note that applications must be submitted to BIF the latest six weeks but no earlier than six months prior to the planned date of departure. | +info |
CHDI Foundation | Academic Proposals | +info |
CHDI Foundation | Research Grant (Huntington´s disease) | |
Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft | Emmy Noether Programme | +info |
Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft | Heisenberg Programme | +info |
Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft | Initiation of International Collaboration | +info |
Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft | Walter Benjamin Programme | +info |
EMBO | Advanced Collaboration Grants | |
EMBO | Core Facility Fellowships | |
EMBO | Core Facility Fellowships | |
EMBO | New Venture Fellowships | +info |
EMBO | Postdoctoral Fellowships | |
EMBO | Scientific Exchange Grants | |
EMDR Research Foundation | Research Consultation Awards | +info |
EMDR Research Foundation | Research Dissemination Travel Award | +info |
European Innovation Council | EIC Accelerator | +info |
FEBS | Short-Term Fellowships | +info |
Federation of European Biochemical Societies (FEBS) | Collaborative Developmental Scholarships | +info |
Fondation Groupama | demande de soutien dans le domaine des maladies rares | +info |
Fondation Médéric Alzheimer | Soutien à la participation à une manifestation scientifique | +info |
Fondation Neurodis | Chaire CIC Cerveau et Santé Mentale | +info |
Fondation Visio | Appel à projets techniques ou technologiques | +info |
Foundation Fighting Blindness | Ted and Elaine Welp Enhanced Career Development Program Award for Established Clinician-Scientists | +info |
Fondation Fighting Blindness | Ted and Elaine Welp Enhanced Career Development Program Award | |
France Alzheimer | Bourse de mobilité | +info |
France Alzheimer | Soutien aux manifestations scientifiques | +info |
Fraxa Research Foundation | Clinical Trial Grants | +info |
Fritz Thyssen Foundation | Postdoc Stipends | +info |
German Scholars Organization | Dr. Wilhelmy-GSO Travel Expenses Program | +info |
Inserm | Financement d'amorçage des projets de recherche participative | +info |
International Union of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology | IUBMB Travel Fellowships | +info |
IRESP | Subventions hors appels à projets | +info |
IUBMB | IUBMB Travel Fellowships | +info |
Jain Foundation | Grant for treatment of dysferlinopathies | +info |
Janssen Horizon | candidatures spontanées | +info |
Lundbeckfonden | Stipends for Sabbatical Leave | +info |
MERCK | Healthcare Speed Grant | +info |
Michael J. Fox Foundation | Parkinson's Disease Therapeutics Pipeline Program | +info |
Muscular Dystrophy Association | MDA Conference Grants (CG) | |
Parkinson's foundation | Conference Awards | +info |
Pediatric Brain Tumor Foundation | PLGA Fund Grant | +info |
Région Pays de la Loire | Appel à projets « Connect Talent » | +info |
Région pays de Loire | Démonstrateur de recherche académique | +info |
Région pays de Loire | Soutien à l’organisation de manifestations scientifiques de grande envergure | +info |
Région Pays de la Loire | Soutien à la performance des «projets de recherche collaborative - International » (PRCI) de l’ANR | +info |
Region Pays de Loire | Soutien à l’élaboration d’une stratégie européenne/internationale | +info |
Région pays de Loire | Soutien au développement de Masters européens et internationaux | +info |
Région Pays de la Loire | Trajectoire nationale de la recherche ligérienne | +info |
Société Française d'Ophtalmologie | Bourses SFO de la mobilité | +info |
Stem Cell Network | Stem Cell Network International Travel Awards | |
Swiss National Science Foundation | Scientific Exchanges | +info |
The Pediatric Brain Tumor Foundation | PLGA Fund Grant | +info |
The Vision of Children Foundation | Research grant | |
Tourette Association | Support for Research Consortia and Collaborative Research Projects | +info |
Université franco-allemande (UFA) | Cotutelle de thèse | +info |
Université franco-allemande (UFA) | Rencontres préparatoires | +info |
Wings for life | Accelerated Translational Program (ATP) (clinical trials) | +info |