Retrouvez ici tous les événements et toutes les formations 2021, mois par mois
Intitulé | Date | Lieu | Lien |
AOUT 2021 | |||
Webinar on brain stroke | 31/08/21 | Online | +info |
SEPTEMBRE 2021 | |||
Assises de la santé mentale et de la psychiatrie | 27-28/09/2021 | Online | +info |
Symposium: Physiopathological Consequences of MAM Alterations in Diseases | 24/09/2021 | Montpellier (France) | +info |
3e rencontre du Club Autisme, troubles neuro-développementaux et Vision | 14/09/2021 | Online | +info |
Ecole thématique consacrée aux organoïdes : "de la culture 3D à l'organoïde" | 13-17/09/21 | Strasbourg (France) | +info |
Trouble du spectre de l'autisme | 03-04/09/21 | Lyon (France) | Inscription |
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OCTOBRE 2021 | |||
Fall e-school of Alcohol addiction research | 25-29/10/21 | Online | +info |
GDR-Neuralnet school : "python toolboxes for electrophys/ca-imaging explained"The GDR NeuralNet organizes a one week school on data analysis with python toolboxes for electrophysiology and Ca-imaging. This school will be held in-person in Lyon from October 18th to October 22nd in the amphitheater of the CRNL. The GDR NeuralNet brings together research teams engaged in measuring, manipulating, analyzing and interpreting neuronal activity. Developers (or advanced users) of several important and useful python toolboxes for data analysis will be present to introduce the participants to the underlying theory behind these tools. Participants will be guided during a hands-on session on their own datasets. Tentative schedule: | 18-22/10/2021 | Lyon (France) | |
Brain developmental diseases: genetics, environment and models | 18-22/10/21 | Lake Como (Italy) | +info |
French Glial Cell Club virtual meeting - Deadline for registration & abstact submission: 09/20/2021 | 18-22/10/21 | Online | +info |
La psychiatrie à l'heure de la Covid-19, et après ..." | 18/10/2021 | Paris (France) & online | +info |
Brain Innovation Days | 12-13/10/21 | Brussels (Belgium) | |
Atelier cerveau-microbiote | 12/10/21 | Paris (France) | +info |
Fête de la science (30 ans) | 01-11/10/21 | France | +info |
How to pursue a career in academia | 07/10/21 de 16h à 17h30 | Online | Lien Zoom : ID : 873 5651 7456 Mot de passe : 8Vasgk |
Conférence débat "Les approches collectives de prévention des risques à l'épreuve des comportements individuels" | 07/10/21 | Paris (France) | +info |
Symposium international Usher info 2021 : tout savoir sur le syndrôme de Uscher | 06-09-10-21 | Online | +info |
Sommet mondial sur la santé mentale "Mind our rights? Now!" | 05-06/10/21 | Paris (France) | +info |
| 05/10/21 | Online | |
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NOVEMBRE 2021 | |||
Journées d'études polyhandicap paralysie cérébrale
| 29-30/11/21 | Paris (France) | |
"Au-delà des 5 sens" | 25/11/21 | Marseille (France) & online | |
Journée Claude Bernard 2021 : Mémoire et traumatisme | 24/11/21 | Paris (France) | |
Conférence "Spécialisation des hémisphères cérébraux dans le traitement de la parole et de la musique : signaux acoustiques et profils de connectivité" | 17/11/21 | Paris (France) | |
Journées scientifiques francophones du CALM | 16-17/11/21 | Montpellier (France) | |
French Swedish Research Day 2021: E-health, data, personalized medicine, AI, computer assisted medical interventions | 15/11/21 | Online | |
2ème colloque anniversaire du GIS Autisme et Troubles du Neuro Développement : Bilan et perspectives | 09/11/21 | Paris (France) | |
9ème école européenne d'automne d'analyse multimodale du développement de la fonction cérébrale 9th european autumn school on multimodal analysis of the development of brain function | 02-05/11/21 | Amiens (France) | |
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DECEMBRE 2021 | |||
CAJAL Neurokit: extracellular electrophysiology acquisition - Application deadline: 18 october 2021, 23:59 CET | 06-10/12/21 | Online | +info |
10èmes rencontres de la Fondation Alzheimer | 9-10/12/21 | Paris | +info |
Rencontres en toxinologie | 09-10/12/21 | Online | +info |
“Translational Neuroscience Day”: neurodegenerative diseases with a focus on animal models in Neuroscience Translational Research. Besides, you will be able to interact with all key actors in the field: researchers, clinicians, TTO, biotech, and pharmaceutical companies. This event will also highlight young researcher skills. Take the opportunity to participate to 3 events in one: hear KOLs from Academia and Industry in plenary and round table sessions and young researchers introducing their work in posters and “my thesis in 180 sec”; initiate R&D collaborative projects during digital B2B meetings; increase your network with the virtual poster session. More details on program and registration are coming soon. | 10/12/21 | Paris or online | |
The importance of coordination and collaboration in brain research | 10/12/21 | Online | +info |