République Française Inserm
Institut thématique Neurosciences, sciences cognitives, neurologie, psychiatrie

Post-docs & researchers

Post doctoral position in neuroscience

Type of contract CDD

Location Paris (France),

Status En cours

Candidates must have a PhD degree in neuroscience and a practical experience in molecular and imaging approaches of the brain. Previous experience in the biology of gliovascular interactions in rodent models is preferred. The ability to work both independently and cooperatively within a team is essential.

Date d'arrivée à l'IT : 16/12/2021

Post-doc position on Representation of Body-Self in Robotic Telepresence

Type of contract Post-Doctorat - Post-Doctoral position

Location Dijon (France),

Status En cours

The CAPS laboratory currently has an open post-doctoral position, which will start in 2022, February 28th (1 year).  The candidate will investigate behavioral markers for embodiment in subjects exposed to telepresence through beaming into the iCub robot.

Date d'arrivée à l'IT : 09/12/2021

Post-doctoral in synchrotron & super resolution imaging applied to Neurosciences

Type of contract CDD (2 ans)

Location Bordeaux (France),

Status En cours

PhD in Biology, Chemistry, or Physics.
Experience in cell biology, synchrotron and/or super resolution imaging is desirable
 Ability to work meticulously
 Interest in innovative imaging techniques and data analysis
 Interest in the field of health/environmental research
 Ability to communicate and write in English


Date d'arrivée à l'IT : 02/12/2021

Postdoctoral position in Neurobiology of obesity and diabetes

Type of contract CDD

Location Rouen,

Status En cours

Candidates should have a doctoral degree in neuroscience/neuroendocrinology/nutrition/or metabolism. Previous experience in the study of hypothalamic neuronal circuits in rodent models is preferred. The ability to work both independently and cooperatively within a team is essential.

Date d'arrivée à l'IT : 02/12/2021

Computational and Cognitive Neurosciences, Learning, MEG

Type of contract CDD

Location Lyon - France,

Status En cours

This position involves the design of experiments, their execution, analysis, write-up and dissemination (publications, talks and posters).

Date d'arrivée à l'IT : 01/12/2021

Contrat postdoctoral

Type of contract CDD

Location Paris (France),

Status En cours

Strong experience in mammalian cell culture, transfection, biochemistry, cell biology, microscopy required. Ph.D. thesis already obtained, defended in 2019, 2020 or 2021. English: written and spoken.

Date d'arrivée à l'IT : 01/12/2021

Post doc position available: human neuro-cardiac IPSC cell biology

Type of contract CDD (3 ans)

Location Montpellier (France),

Status En cours

A 3 year Post doctoral position, starting in Feb/Mar 2022 is opened to develop and characterize, using the microfluidics technology, the functional interaction between the autonomic neurons and cardiomyocytes using neurons and cardiac cells derived from patient-iPSC cells.

Date d'arrivée à l'IT : 01/12/2021

Postdoctoral Research Fellowship in Neuroeconomics/Social Neuroscience

Type of contract CDD

Location Lyon - France,

Status En cours

Candidates must have (or nearing completion of) a PhD degree in neuroscience, social psychology, behavioral economics, computational neuroscience or a related discipline. Candidates must have previous practical experience and working knowledge of human neuroimaging (eg. model-based fMRI). The candidate must also have working knowledge of experimental statistics, signal processing and excellent programming skills in Matlab. Previous experience in model-based fMRI experiments, advanced multivariate data analysis and computational modelling is desirable.

Date d'arrivée à l'IT : 25/11/2021

Postdoctoral position in Nutrition & Neurosciences

Type of contract CDD

Location Bordeaux (France),

Status En cours

The candidate should hold a Ph.D. degree in Life Science, preferentially in Neurosciences. Candidates with expertise in Matlab/python analyses and ideally with a background in fiber photometry approaches are strongly encouraged to apply. Prior experience with behavioral analyses or molecular biology is not required. The successful applicant should show the ability to think critically and drive a project independently while collaborating with members of the lab and collaborators. English is the working language.

Date d'arrivée à l'IT : 25/11/2021