A postdoctoral position is available at the IMoPA ERCN team from the epileptology department of the Nancy CHRU.
A postdoctoral position is available at the Cochin Institute in Paris / France, under the supervision of Dr Yonatan Ganor, in the laboratory of ‘mucosal entry, persistence and neuro-immune control of HIV-1 and other viruses’.
A postdoc position is availbale at the Interdisciplinary Neuroscience Institute in Bordeaux (France).
L'institut du cerveau recrute un.e post-doctorant.e.
The Physiology, Environment and Genetics for Animals and Farming Systems (PEGASE) is recruiting a researcher to join the research unit, based in St-Gilles near Rennes.
The Lyon Neuroscience Research Center is recruiting a postdoctoral researcher to work on a project aimed at better understanding the consequences of aging on brain function and the sex-associated specificities, as well as the underlying cellular mechanisms in the mouse model.
A 2-year post-doctoral position available in M Coulpier’s team at the UMR Virology (Maisons-Alfort) to work on Tick-Borne Encephalitis Virus-induced neuropathogenesis.
The Pathological Macroassemblies and Prion Diseases (MAP2) group located at INRAE in the Jouy-en-Josas Research Center is recruiting a postdoctoral researcher to participate in an interdisciplinary project aimed at studying the impact of prion replication on the functional and structural alteration of the neuronal network.
Paris Brain Institute is recruiting for their new DBS initiative.
A 3-year post-doc position is available in the « Neurobiology and Neuropharmacology of Psychiatric Disorders » team, INSERM-University of Poitiers to work on the effects of environmental enrichment on relapse to addiction.
A postdoctoral position is available at The Institute of Functional Genomics (IGF).
The Galli team at the Institut de Psychiatrie et Neurosciences de Paris is seeking a highly motivated and talented postdoctoral fellow for an exciting project investigating the molecular mechanisms of Parkinson's disease (PD).
The Institute for Cellular and Integrative Neuroscience in Strasbourg is seeking a postdoctoral candidate to work on the Oxytocin of emotions.
A 4-year post-doc position is available in the « Neurobiology and Neuropharmacology of Psychiatric Disorders » team, INSERM-University of Poitiers to work on the neurobiological mechanisms involved in food addiction.
The Institute for Systems Neuroscience in Marseille (France) i seeking a postdoctoral candidate to process and manage a large database of intracerebral responses to direct electrical stimulation in order to publish original studies on the functional organisation of long range brain connectivity in human beings.
The Paris-Saclay Institute of Neuroscience (NeuroPSI) is looking for a motivated and creative young scientist to join the Jovanic team.
The Takahashi lab at the Interdisciplinary Institute for Neuroscience (IINS – UMR 5927), part of the Bordeaux Neurocampus, is seeking motivated postdocs.
The Paris-Saclay Institute of Neuroscience (NeuroPSI) is looking for a motivated and creative young scientist to join the Jovanic team.
The IRIM institute located on the CNRS campus of Montpellier (France) is looking for a talented and motivated scientist to join the team "Membrane Dynamics & Viruses" (MDV) led by Dr. Raphael Gaudin.
A postdoctoral position is available at the Research Center on Animal Cognition to work on the impact of the gut microbiota on cognition in honey bees.
The IINS (interdisciplinary institute for neuroscience) is seeking to recruit two post-doctoral fellows interested in cellular and molecular neuroscience with strong expertise in either cell/molecular biology or slice imaging/physiology.
A postdoc position is available at Lyon’s Neurosciences Research Centre and Institute of Epilepsies with Translational Group in Epilepsy Research team.
A postdoc position is available at the Institute of NeuroModulation in Paris.
The Paris-Saclay Institute of Neurosciences (Neuro-PSI) is looking for a talented and motivated postdoctoral researcher to lead a project on the neural basis of movement in mice.
A postdoc position is available at the Lyon Neuroscience Research Center in Lyon (France).
The IRIM institute is looking for a talented and motivated scientist to join our team "Membrane Dynamics & Viruses" (MDV) led by Dr. Raphael Gaudin.
The NeuroCyto lab is looking to hire a postdoctoral fellow for an exciting project on novel mechanisms of microtubule turnover in neurons.
The CRMBM is looking for a motivated, team-oriented candidate currently holding a Ph.D. degree in computer science, physics, or biomedical engineering with a focus on AI or MR physics.
The group of Pieter Roelfsema in the Paris lab at the Institut de la Vision (IDV) is seeking a highly motivated researcher.
IINS is looking for a highly motivated postdoctoral researcher to develop new tools for studying endogenous molecules in their cellular context.
A postdoc position is available at CEA-Saclay.
The Bourdieu and Dieudonné groups at the Institute of Biology of the École Normale Supérieure (IBENS), are seeking one talented postdoctoral scientist interested in using two-photon optical voltage recording at the cellular level to study inhibitory cerebellar microcircuits in behaving mice.
The INSERM group of Pr M. Naassila (GRAP, Groupe de Recherche sur l'Alcool et les Pharmacodépendances, UMR 1247), is looking for a postdoctoral researcher to study the neuronal mechanisms of psilocybin, a psychedelic that has recently shown, promise in the treatment of drug addiction.
You would be part of a dynamic community of young researchers within a highly collaborative environment. In the project FUST: Fish Ultrasound screening of optimal channels to STimulate neurons deep in vivo, the candidate will be hosted by the Mov'it team and SIBBIL team, co-supervised by Pierre Pouget, an expert in functional ultrasounds and network physiology, and Claire Wyart, an expert in optogenetics and imaging.
In the SUSCEPTDopamine project, the candidate will be hosted by the teams of Jaime de Juan Sanz and Nelson Rebola. This project aims to create a conceptual and experimental framework to understand the preferential susceptibility of dopaminergic neurons to impaired mitochondrial physiology, leveraging the strong genetic link between mitochondrial dysfunction and Parkinson's Disease (PD).
In the Collective Interest Project "Knock-in Fish: Knocking-in dominant mutations causing early-onset Parkinsonism in zebrafish" the candidate will be hosted by the Picnic team and SIBBIL team co-supervised by Claire Wyart, an expert in optogenetics and imaging in zebrafish and Jacobo Sitt, expert in the analysis of large neuronal networks and behavior in humans.
We are seeking applications of highly motivated individuals, preferably with background in neuroscience. PhD in neuroscience, biology or related fields is required. Experience in behavioral analysis, Calcium- imaging and/or Drosophila neurogenetics will be appreciated. The candidate will work in the team Neural Circuits and Behavior headed by Tihana Jovanic at the Paris Saclay Institute of Neuroscience (Neuro-PSI).
DBS is an exciting new interdisciplinary, collaborative, and multi-model project at the ICM.
By bridging approaches across disciplines, the project’s goal is to build novel strategies to
improve dopaminergic cell survival and deep-brain stimulation of resilient circuits in
Parkinson’s disease.
DBS is an exciting new interdisciplinary, collaborative, and multi-model project at the ICM. the candidate will be hosted by the teams of Jaime de Juan-Sanz and Dafni
Hadjieconomou. This project aims to address the urgent need to understand lysosomal Ca2+ dysregulation in
Parkinson's Disease (PD), an area that is critical yet poorly explored.
The Marc Jeannerod Institute of Cognitive Sciences (ISC-MJ) studies the brain mechanisms of cognition, their evolution and their disorders. You will join the Ape Social Mind Lab team, which explores questions related to the evolution of primate sociality, social cognition, communication, and brain connectomics.
We are seeking a talented postdoctoral fellow to join the Clinical Research in Neuroscience lab at Université de Lorraine, Nancy, France. The project focuses on the role of temporal integration in visual attention and its functional architecture in the human brain.
a junior professor chair (tenure track position) in Alcohol Addiction from neurobiology to new therapies is available at the University of Picardie Jules Verne in Amiens.
The LTSI in the CinetyKs team is looking to hire a PhD student to work on epilepsy.
Dr. Sara Bizzotto (PI) at Inserm, Paris Brain Institute (France) is recruiting a postdoctoral researcher.
A Postdoctoral position is available at the ICM Paris Brain Institute in the group of Alberto Bacci.
A postdoc position is available with the “Plasticité cérébrale, cellules souches et tumeurs gliales” team at CHU Montpellier.
A postdoctoral position is available at Neurosciences Paris-Seine (NPS) laboratory of the Institut de Biologie Paris-Seine.
A postdoctoral position is available at the Center for Research in Psychology and Neuroscience of CNRS in Marseille.
This is a call for applications for a Junior Professor position (CPJ - tenure tract) at the Sorbonne University, through the IFM (Institut du Fer à Moulin), in the center of Paris. The CPJ is dedicated to developmental neurogenetics and genomics.
We are looking for a motivated post-doctoral candidate to join the Cognitive Neuroimaging unit (UNICOG) at NeuroSpin, Paris-Saclay, France, to study the visual plasticity and potential cortical reorganization of blind individuals.
The Jovanic team are looking for a motivated and creative young scientist at the Paris-Saclay Institute of Neuroscience (NeuroPSI).
A postdoc position is available at the INSERM U1247 unit with the Research Group on Alcohol and Drug Dependence in Amiens.
The Biology Institute of ENS (IBENS) is recruiting a postdoctoral researcher to work on the evolution of neural computations in Astyanax cavefish.
the Roelfsema laboratory has a vacancy for a Postdoc at the Netherlands Institute for Neuroscience in Amsterdam to better understand the interactions between lower and higher visual cortical areas in the monkey.
The CNRS are recruiting a postdoctoral researcher to investigate how microtubule nucleation is regulated in the context of neuronal development within Drosophila.
The team MMDN in Montpellier, France is recruiting a postdoctoral researcher to study seizures and neurodegeneration.
The “Neural Determinants of Spatial Cognition lab” led by Jérôme Epsztein is seeking a postdoctoral researcher (3 years position) to work on the cellular/circuit mechanisms of spatial coding and memory.
The CNRS is recruiting a postdoctoral researcher in vivo imaging.
The Laboratory of Experimental and Clinical Neurosciences Poitiers University is currently opening a range of opportunities at different career stages.
The team "Comparative developmental neurobiology" at the Institut Jacques Monod in Paris, France, is recruiting a postdoctoral researcher to study the evolution of neuronal circuitry and behavior using the insect visual system as a model.
Postdoc opportunity with a focus on the simulation of large-scale biological neural networks are available in the Theoretical Neuroanatomy group led by Prof. Sacha van Albada at Jülich Research Center, Germany.
The Face Categorization Lab is recruiting two postdoctoral candidate in Nancy (France) at CNRS and Université de Lorraine.
The Inserm chair recruitments opened to Inserm are intended for researchers with strong potential to manage and lead research teams and participate in national, European or international projects.
A postdoc position is available at Pasteur institute and Hearing institute to work on dyslexia.
A postdoc position is available at the Center for Integrative Neurosciences and Cognition (INCC).
A postdoc position is available at CNRS to work on a project wich combining physics and neurobiology.
The Vision Institute is seeking 2 creative,motivated and highly independent postdoctoral fellows to lead new research projects.
A postdoc position is available at the Laboratory of Interdisciplinary Physics (LIPhy) of the Grenoble Universityt with the Neuron Imaging & Calcium Channel team.
A postdoc position is available at INRAE at Bordeaux University to dissect the role of polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs) on microglia maturation during brain development.
A postdoc position is available to work on molecular and cellular mechanisms involved in motor neuron diseases at INCIA, Bordeaux, France.
Our Research unit Inserm UMR1124 (T3S, Environmental Toxicity, Therapeutic Targets, cellular Signaling and Biomarkers), has an opportunity to recruit on a Junior Professor Chair (CPJ Inserm).
A tenure track position is available at CNRS, with Paris Cité Uiversity/Aix-Marseille University.
A postdoc position is available at CNRS Research Unit “SPPIN” at Université Paris Cité.
A tenure track position is available at CNRS, at the UMR Centre des Sciences du Goût et de l'Alimentation.
A post-doctoral position is available at the Lille Neuroscience & Cognition Centre (univeristy of Lille).
The Jovanic team at the Paris-Saclay Institute of Neuroscience (NeuroPSI/France) are looking for a motivated and creative young scientist to join them.
The “Disorders of the Brain” team led by Angela Sirigu and ‘Neuroprime” team, led by Sylvia Wirth at the Institute of Cognitive sciences are jointly seeking a talented and motivated candidates for a Post?doctoral position to work on the neural basis of territorial representation and its modulation by Oxytocin.
A post-doctoral position is available at the University of Rennes, to work on computational modeling of genetic mutations at cellular level.
A one-year (renewable) postdoctoral position is available to work on neuropsychology and neuroimaging of alcohol use disorder (AUD) at Inserm unit U137 in Caen, France.
A two year postdoctoral position is available at the "Institut de Neurosciences Cognitives et Intégratives d'Aquitaine", in the EMOTIV team, in the frame of a collaborative project entitled: "Dysregulation of the dopamine activity in the olfactory system as a biomarker for vulnerability to the addictive properties of E-cigarette and flavored e-liquid?"
A 2-year position is immediately available in the Brain-C Lab in Paris to address outstanding questions about the temporal and molecular dynamic of neurodegenerative disorders and define new therapeutic rationales for early-stage intervention in these disorders.
The "neural circuits and motor control" team at NeuroPSI is opening a post-doctoral position in gene therapy.
The Laboratory of Neurodegenerative Diseases at CEA Fontenay-aux-Roses is opening a post-doctoral position in gene therapy.
CNRS offers a post-doctoral position to work on dopaminergic circuit and response to nicotine.
A 3-year postdoctoral position on Modeling Gene Disruptions in Human Neurons is available at the Language & Genetics Department of the Max Planck Institute, Nijmegen, the Netherlands.
A position as associate senior professor is available at the Faculty of Medicine, Lund University.
The Grenoble Alpes University is offering a post-doctoral position to work on a project exploiting a new mouse line expressing a genetically encoded voltage sensor in excitatory neurons.
A two year (one year renewable) postdoctoral position is available at the Institut de la Vision (IDV) for a highly motivated PhD.
A posodoc position is available at LP2iB in Bordeaux.
INSERM is seeking for a researcher with strong potential to manage and lead research teams and participate in national, European or international projects.
INSERM is seeking for a researcher with strong potential to manage and lead research teams and participate in national, European or international projects.
A postdoc position is available at the Paris Brain Institute in the team of Severine Boillee to take part in medical research in the neurosciences.
A postdoctoral position is available at the Brain-C Lab at Institute of Biology Paris-Seine.
A postdoctoral position is available at the Institute of Psychiatry and Neuroscience of Paris (IPNP) in the group of Fani Koukouli.
The new Recurrent Circuits, Learning and Memory team is recruiting a postdoctoral fellow to develop in vivo 2-photon imaging and optogenetic stimulation of the larval brain of Drosophila melanogaster
Dr. Bouvier's team at NeuroPsi is looking for two motivated scientists to explore the diversity and specialization of descending circuits from the brainstem for the orchestration of complex and adaptive movements at the functional, connectomics and genetics levels.
The Jovanic team from Neuropsi are looking for a motivated and creative young scientist.
We are looking for a motivated Postdoc to work on axon regeneration and protein synthesis regulation mechanisms.
Two fully funded 36-month postdoc positions are open immediately in the Poncer lab at the Institut du Fer à Moulin and the Baulac lab at the Paris Brain Institute, to study the molecular and cellular determinants of epileptic networks associated with focal cortical dysplasia.
We are looking for a motivated postdoc or engineer to join our team "Laboratory of Signaling mechanisms in neurological disorders." at the Institut de Psychiatrie et Neuroscience de Paris (IPNP, Inserm).
A three year (one year renewable twice) postdoctoral position is available at MMDN for a highly motivated PhD.
The Paris-Saclay Neuroscience Institute is recruiting a postdoctoral fellow to develop in vivo 2-photon imaging and optogenetic stimulation of the brain of larval Drosophila melanogaster.
La fondation AMIDEX, recherche un post-doctorant pour un projet dont l'objectif est d'étudier comment l'interaction et la mémoire sociale sont encodés dans le cortex préfrontal de souris.
A 2-year postdoctoral scholar position, funded by the French Medical Research Foundation, is available for highly motivated and talented candidates Neuroscience, Bioimaging or Bioengineering. You would be joining the research group of Lucile Ben Haim, at the Paris-Saclay University (France).
A three-year post-doctoral position in theoretical neuroscience is open at Ecole Normale Supérieure to explore the mechanisms of interaction between interoceptive cardiac and exteroceptive tactile inputs at the cortical level.
The Rebola lab of the Paris Brain Institute is seeking to recruit as soon as possible talented and motivated post-doctoral fellows with experience in brain neurophysiology that love science and are fascinated by synapses and neuronal circuits.
The "Institut des Neuroscience - Paris-Saclay" is recruiting a postdoctoral fellow to develop _in vivo_ 2-photon imaging and optogenetic stimulation of the larval brain of _Drosophila melanogaster_.
A 2-year postdoctoral position is available to do research with Dr Franck Ramus on Gene-environment interplay on reading ability, disability, and recovery, at the Department of Cognitive Studies, Ecole Normale Supérieure-PSL University, Paris, France.
The Rebola Lab seeks for a highly motivated Postdoctoral fellow to join our team at the Paris Brain Institute, Paris, France.
Bordeaux Neurocampus are looking for a junior teacher in "neurobiology of the neural cells".
The team Neuronal Circuits and Motor Control are looking for two motivated scientists to explore the diversity and specialization of descending circuits for the orchestration of integrated and adaptive movements at the functional, connectomics and genetic levels.
The CRBS are seeking for one postdoctoral fellow with background in neuroscience to work on a project financed by the National Institute of Health, USA and ANR, France.
A post-doctoral position is open at the Institute of Cellular and Integrative Neuroscience in Strasbourg.
The team « Neural code & auditory perception » (Jean-Marc Edeline lab) and the team “Auditory system dynamics and multisensory processing” (Brice Bathellier lab) are looking for a very motivated post-doc with a strong experience in in vivo electrophysiology and/or in vivo calcium imaging in mice.
The Neuroprime Lab at the University of Lyon, France is seeking talented and motivated candidates for a post doctoral position.
A post-doctoral position is open at the Institute of Cellular and Integrative Neuroscience in Strasbourg.
A two-year post-doctoral position is open in Paris to work jointly on the somatotopic and viscerotopic organization of the primary motor cortex in humans.
The successful applicant should hold a PhD in neuroscience or cell biology. Previous experience in cell
biology and advanced microscopy is highly recommended. Experience on the cytoskeleton and in vitro
cell-free systems is very welcome but not required. The candidate is expected to work independently
for the design and realization of experiments and to be actively involved in the collaborative network.
Fluency in English is mandatory but ability to speak French is not required
The Inserm chair recruitments opened to Inserm are intended for researchers with strong potential to manage and lead research teams and participate in national, European or international projects.
The Inserm chair recruitments opened to Inserm are intended for researchers with strong potential to manage and lead research teams and participate in national, European or international projects.
The Institute for Functional Genomics (IGF) has an opening for a 2-year postdoctoral position in Neuroscience/Physiology.
The laboratory of Social and Cognitive Psychology (University of Clermont-Ferrand) is opening a post-doc position in Clermont-Ferrand.
Applications are welcome for a fully funded 18-month postdoctoral position for the development of an algorithm for the accurate detection of precise spiking motifs in neurobiological data.
L’Université Clermont-Ferrand recrute un poste d’ATER pour l’année 2023/2024 pour effectuer des travaux dirigés et des cours magistraux à l’UFR Psychologie, Sciences Sociales, Sciences de l’Education.
A postdoctoral position is available at the Paris-Saclay Institute of Neuroscience (NeuroPSI, Saclay) and the Vision Institute (Paris) for a collaborative project on sensory coding of complex naturalistic stimuli in the mouse somatosensory cortex.
The Nägerl team has open positions for optical engineers and/or postdocs to build, improve and use our super-resolution STED fluorescence microscopes for neuro-imaging.
A fully funded 36-month postdoc position is open immediately in the Poncer laboratory at the Institut du Fer à Moulin, Paris, to study the cellular determinants of epileptic networks associated with focal cortical dysplasia.
A psotdoc position is availbale at the laboratory of Dr. Pierre-Olivier Polack at Rutgers University - Newark, to work on neuronal mechanisms of visual perception.
The Pardi lab is looking for a motivated and talented scientist to join the Neuronal Circuits for Memory and Perception - Pardi lab, at the Institute of Psychiatry and Neuroscience of Paris (IPNP), as an Atip-avenir-Inserm funded postdoc, from ~mid 2023.
A post-doctoral position is available in K. Benchenane's team at CNRS, to work on an ERC project in progress in the laboratory.
The Physiology and physiopathology of the gliovascular unit team is looking for a junior post doctorant or an engineer, to describe the morphology of perivascular astrocyte processes in the brain, in normal, pathological contexts and during postnatal development.
The Institut de Neurosciences des Systèmes is looking for post-doctoral level staff scientists to join the ERC Consolidator project led by Dr. Benjamin Morillon, on the investigation and modelling of the neural processing of speech and music, in light of their multiscale dynamics.
The project aims to understand how FCD promotes epilepsy. Specifically, we aim to elucidate the molecular and circuit basis of cortical malformation and epileptogenesis in FCD.
A posdoc position to work on spinal cord injuries is available in H Nawabi lab at Grenoble Institute of neuroscience.
The successful candidate will work collaboratively with an international, interdisciplinary team of teachers, researchers, clinicians, school administrators, families, and other experts in child development and education.
The Physiology and physiopathology of the gliovascular unit team is looking for a junior post doctorant or an engineer, to describe the morphology of perivascular astrocyte processes in the brain, in normal, pathological contexts and during postnatal development.
COMETE is looking for a research engineer to work on the ActiMice project.
The successful candidate is expected to contribute to deep learning solutions and the underlying technology that are currently under development for accelerating MR data acquisition and boosting the quality of image reconstruction.
Our team The Eichmann-Thomas laboratory at Yale is offering a 3 year-contract for a post-doctoral position to investigate the role of meningeal lymphatic vasculature in neuroimmune communication development.
Post-doc position in zebrafish neuro-immunology in Valérie Wittamer's laboratory in Brussels (Université Libre de Bruxelles).
A 1+1-year position is available in Enrica Boda's research group at the Neuroscience Institute Cavalieri Ottolenghi (NICO), University of Torino, Italy.
New postdoctoral position at the Center for Neuroscience and Cognition at the University of Lille.
La personne recrutée viendra renforcer l’équipe pédagogique de Physiologie Animale et interviendra dans la formation initiale en Sciences de la Vie en assurant des enseignements dans les domaines de la physiologie intégrative, de l’endocrinologie et de la neurobiologie.
Postdoctoral position in stem cell differentiation, biomaterials and regenerative medicine is available at the Laboratory of Experimental and Clinical Neurosciences, Poitiers university.
The Institute of Neuroscience (IoNS) of UCLouvain (Brussels), is looking for a highly motivated postdoctoral scientist.
L'université de Poitiers recherche un enseignant chercheur pour son parcours Physiologie Animale et Neurosciences de la licence Sciences de la vie et du parcours Neurosciences du Master Biologie Santé.
Le (la) candidat(e) sera en charge d’enseignements en biostatistiques, épidémiologie et Lecture critique d’Articles à la Faculté de Médecine de Montpellier-Nîmes.
The "Social Cognition & Connectomics" team of Institut de Neurosciences de la Timone is seeking a post-doctoral researcher to test the hypothesis that brain rewiring controls learning and motor behaviors in adult animals.
The “Social Cognition & Connectomics” team of Institut de Neurosciences de la Timone is seeking a post-doctoral researcher to test the hypothesis that brain rewiring controls learning and motor behaviors in adult animals using novel optogenetic tools.
We are looking for a motivated and creative young scientist to join an interdisplinary team of neuroscientists at the Paris-Saclay Institute of Neuroscience.
Skills & Knowledge:
L'Institut de Neurophysiopathogie recherche une ou un statutaire, spécialiste en comportement animal et/ou en modèles lésionnels/électrophysiologie in vivo pour prendre la direction de l’équipe Processus Mnésiques.
La personne recrutée assurera essentiellement des enseignements fondamentaux en biologie appliquée à la psychologie, en neurosciences fondamentales et comportementales en L1, L2 et L3 de Psychologie (Biologie Appliquée à la Psychologie, Neurosciences Fondamentales, Neurosciences du Comportement...). En outre, et sous la responsabilité de l'équipe pédagogique de psychologie/neurosciences (PsySEF/FST), le candidat ou la candidate assurera des heures au département de biologie.
Applications (in English) should be sent to neuropsycall.ipnp@inserm.fr, and should include in
one single pdf ‘applicantName_neuropsy2023.pdf'
The In Vivo ophthalmology group in the Translational Immunology Department is seeking a motivated, interactive and flexible Scientist 3 to perform preclinical animal studies with the goal of developing new therapies for ocular disease.
PhD and post-doctoral positions are open in computational neurosciences at the Neurobiology of Executive Function lab at the Stem Brain Research Institute in Lyon.
This project will examine the molecular mechanisms underlying the formation of the central visual pathway from the retinal specializations to the brain projections.
A postdoctoral position funded by the ANR, the French National Research Agency, is available in the team Neuroproteomics and Signaling of Brain Disorders at the Institute of Functional Genomics (IGF) of Montpellier.
An exciting opportunity has arisen to join the dynamic multidisciplinary and collaborative translational epilepsy research community here at Aston. We are looking to appoint one outstanding research scientist to work in the group of Dr. Felix Chan (PI).
The objectives of the postdoctorate are, among other things, to define and conduct stimulation and imaging protocols on OA and/or OCT ophthalmoscopes, to optimize or develop ORG algorithms with the team on MATLAB and to analyze and interpret data.
The Brain and Cognition Research Center (CerCo) is looking for a post-doc. The project will be led by Andrea Alamia and funded by the European Research Council (ERC).
INMED is seeking for a motivated post-doc candidate with a strong background in Neuroscience to study the role of local interneurons in motor control and learning.
Candidates should have completed, or be close to completing, a PhD in Cognitive Neuroscience or a related discipline. They should have end-to-end experience with the design and implementation of cognitive experiments, and with the use of fMRI -- and if possible MEG -- methods.
The Department of Sensory and Sensorimotor Systems at the Max Planck Institute for Biological Cybernetics is currently looking for highly skilled and motivated individuals to work on projects aimed towards understanding visual attentional and perceptual processes using fMRI / MRI.
A post-doctoral position is available in Lyon, in the context of the recently awarded National Referral Center for Rare Inflammatory Disorders of the brain and the spinal cord (MIRCEM).
David Thura is seeking candidatures for a post-doc position in in neural circuits of motor decision-making.
One position is available for a Post-doc fellow, to work on either or both computational modelling/brain Imagery projects at APHP.
The IPNP is looking for a postdoc to join their team "Laboratory of Signaling mechanisms in neurological disorders".
IGBMC is seeking a highly motivated and creative Engineer /postdoctoral fellow in bioinformatics.
IBENS is seeking to hire one highly motivated postdoctoral scientist to investigate the role of atypical ionotropic glutamate receptors (iGluRs) in synaptic plasticity and brain function.
IBENS are looking for a motivated postdoctoral scientist to investigate the role of atypical ionotropic glutamate receptors (iGluRs) in synaptic plasticity and brain function.
The INSERM-UNICAEN-EPHE U1077 research unit based in Caen (Normandy, France) invites applications for a position as a Postdoc in the field of GABA neuroreceptor imaging, active forgetting and...
The Zine lab is looking for a motivated and creative post-doctoral fellow to join the inner ear stem cell biology Research Lab.
Dr Sarah Marzi invites applications for a postdoctoral Research Associate position.
The Child Health Institute of New Jersey at Rutgers Robert Wood Johnson Medical School has multiple NIH funded positions for neuroscience postdocs and research technicians in the labs of Drs. Mark Rossi, Abdelfattah El Ouaamari, Zhiping Pang, Max Tischfield, and Chiara Manzini.
The Center for interdisciplinary research in Biology, Collège de France offers a post-doc position. Applications are invited to study local translation in glial cells.
The research project is related to the study in mouse models of Alzheimer’s disease (AD) of innovative strategies based on “augmented” anti-tau immunotherapies.
We are searching for a highly qualified scientist with an expertise in Cellular Neurobiology at an early stage of the scientific career, who seeks to establish an independent research group.
We are looking for motivated postdocs to join the Panasyuk Lab at the Institute Necker Enfants Malades at INSERM U1151, Paris, France.
The NeuroCyto lab is looking to hire a postdoctoral fellow for an exciting project at the interface of microscopy and neuronal cell biology.
L’équipe « Génétique et développement des tumeurs cérébrales » à l’Institut du Cerveau, cherche un/e chercheur/se post-doctorant/e.
Post-doctoral positions are open in computational neurosciences at the Neurobiology of Executive Function lab at the Stem Brain Research Institute in Lyon.
Postdoc position at Clinatec’s Translational Biology laboratory.
The LNEC laboratory is looking for a junior post-doctoral fellow motivated by this research for a 48-month contract (full-time postdoctoral position) to participate in the project funded by IRESP/INCa.
The Kavli Institute for Systems Neuroscience is looking for a highly motivated person to join our team as a Researcher.
Postdoc position at the Shansky lab.
We are interested in understanding how the basal ganglia and the cerebellum interact during a sensori-motor task. To this end we use both experimental data (multiunit activity and behavior) and computational models.
The Institute of Molecular Genetic of Montpellier, is seeking for a post-doc position in neuroscience, molecular characterization of a neurodegenerative disease.
The Department of Cognitive Science at the University of California, San Diego invites applicants for a tenure track Assistant Professor position specializing in biological computation.
The Department of Psychology in the Faculty of Arts and Science at New York University invites applications for an open-rank, tenure-track or tenured position in Cognitive Neuroscience.
The Interdisciplinary Institute of Neuroscience (IINS) of Bordeaux is looking for a post-doctoral researcher to carry out a research project aimed at understanding the neural mechanisms underlying the formation of olfaction-related memory traces in rodents.
The team PCAC at the Hearing Institute of Paris (Institut de l’Audition, IdA) has an open postdoctoral/research engineer position in systems neuroscience with the broad goal of understanding the plasticity of central auditory circuits related to acoustic overstimulation and genetic forms of deafness.
The Neurobiology of Neurodegenerative Diseases Laboratory at the Mayo Clinic in Jacksonville (FL) is looking for a highly motivated post-doctoral candidate for an NIH-funded study.
The Institute of Molecular and Cellular Pharmacology (IPMC) is seeking a highly skilled postdoctoral researcher with knowledge in genomics, physiology and neuroscience.
The team "Sleep and Emotional Memory" at the Fer-a-Moulin (IFM) Institute in Paris is seeking a post-doctoral fellow for an up-to-3-years fully funded position.
We are seeking a talented and highly motivated postdoc to join the Drosophila Neurogenetics team, headed by Daniel Vasiliauskas, at the Paris-Saclay Institute of Neuroscience (NeuroPSI).
The appointee will be engaged in a pre-clinical project, mainly in-vivo but also in-vitro experiments, knowledge of biochemistry, immunohistochemistry, immunofluorescence (confocal microscopy), cell and molecular biology techniques is required.
This project will explore the influence of Reactive Oxygen Species (ROS) and Redox signalling on the delicate choice of a stem cell to self-renew or differentiate.