République Française Inserm
Institut thématique Neurosciences, sciences cognitives, neurologie, psychiatrie

Post-docs & researchers

Postdoc neuroimaging

Type of contract Post-doc

Location Caen,

Status currently being recruited

The INSERM-UNICAEN-EPHE U1077 research unit based in Caen (Normandy, France) invites applications for a position as a Postdoc in the field of GABA neuroreceptor imaging, active forgetting and... 

Date d'arrivée à l'IT : 19/12/2022

Postdoctoral position in Stem Cells - Organoids - Inner ear LBN

Type of contract CDD

Location Montpellier,

Status En cours de recrutement

The Zine lab is looking for a motivated and creative post-doctoral fellow to join the inner ear stem cell biology Research Lab.

Date d'arrivée à l'IT : 19/12/2022

Research Associate in Epigenetics - UK Dementia Research Instit

Type of contract Post doc

Location London,

Status Currently being recruited

Dr Sarah Marzi invites applications for a postdoctoral Research Associate position.

Date d'arrivée à l'IT : 16/12/2022

Multiple postdoc openings at Child Health Institute of NJ

Type of contract Post-doc

Location New Brunswick,

Status Currently being recruited

The Child Health Institute of New Jersey at Rutgers Robert Wood Johnson Medical School has multiple NIH funded positions for neuroscience postdocs and research technicians in the labs of Drs. Mark Rossi, Abdelfattah El Ouaamari, Zhiping Pang, Max Tischfield, and Chiara Manzini.

Date d'arrivée à l'IT : 09/12/2022

Postdoctoral Research Fellowship in Neuroscience in Paris

Type of contract CDD (2 years)

Location Paris,

Status Currently under recruitment

The Center for interdisciplinary research in Biology, Collège de France offers a post-doc position. Applications are invited to study local translation in glial cells. 

Date d'arrivée à l'IT : 09/12/2022

2-Years position in preclinical therapeutic research in Alzheimer's disease (Paris, France)

Type of contract CDD

Location Paris,

Status Currently being recruited

The research project is related to the study in mouse models of Alzheimer’s disease (AD) of innovative strategies based on “augmented” anti-tau immunotherapies.


Date d'arrivée à l'IT : 02/12/2022

Open Position: Junior Professorship of Cellular Neurobiology (Level W1)

Type of contract CDD

Location Regensburg,

Status Currently being recruited

We are searching for a highly qualified scientist with an expertise in Cellular Neurobiology at an early stage of the scientific career, who seeks to establish an independent research group. 

Date d'arrivée à l'IT : 02/12/2022

ERC-funded 2 postdoctoral positions at the Panasyuk Lab (Paris, France) (m/f/d)

Type of contract CDD

Location Paris,

Status Currently being recruited

We are looking for motivated postdocs to join the Panasyuk Lab at the Institute Necker Enfants Malades at INSERM U1151, Paris, France. 

Date d'arrivée à l'IT : 02/12/2022


Type of contract CDD

Location Paris,

Status En cours de recrutement

The NeuroCyto lab is looking to hire a postdoctoral fellow for an exciting project at the interface of microscopy and neuronal cell biology.

Date d'arrivée à l'IT : 25/11/2022

Postdoc position at the Brain Institue in Paris

Type of contract CDD

Location Paris,

Status En cours de recrutement

L’équipe « Génétique et développement des tumeurs cérébrales » à l’Institut du Cerveau, cherche un/e chercheur/se post-doctorant/e.

Date d'arrivée à l'IT : 25/11/2022

Postdoctoral positions in Computational Neurosciences in Lyon

Type of contract CDD

Location Lyon,

Status Under recruitment

Post-doctoral positions are open in computational neurosciences at the Neurobiology of Executive Function lab at the Stem Brain Research Institute in Lyon.

Date d'arrivée à l'IT : 25/11/2022

Two years position at CEA-Clinatec, to evaluate photobiomodulation treatment benefit in Huntington mice models

Type of contract CDD

Location Grenoble,

Status Under recruitment

Postdoc position at Clinatec’s Translational Biology laboratory. 


Date d'arrivée à l'IT : 25/11/2022

Postdoc position at the LNEC lab

Type of contract CDD

Location Poitiers,

Status under recruitment

The LNEC laboratory is looking for a junior post-doctoral fellow motivated by this research for a 48-month contract (full-time postdoctoral position) to participate in the project funded by IRESP/INCa.

Date d'arrivée à l'IT : 25/11/2022


Type of contract CDD (2 years)

Location Trondheim,

Status Under recruitment

The Kavli Institute for Systems Neuroscience is looking for a highly motivated person to join our team as a Researcher.

Date d'arrivée à l'IT : 25/11/2022


Type of contract

Location Boston,


Postdoc position at the Shansky lab.

Date d'arrivée à l'IT : 25/11/2022

Doctoral / Postdoctoral researcher position to study Cerebellum-Basal ganglia interaction

Type of contract

Location Strasbourg,

Status currently being recruited

We are interested in understanding how the basal ganglia and the cerebellum interact during a sensori-motor task. To this end we use both experimental data (multiunit activity and behavior) and computational models. 

Date d'arrivée à l'IT : 15/11/2022

Post-doc (M/F) in neuroscience and molecular characterization

Type of contract FTC Scientist (2 years)

Location Montpellier,

Status En cours de recrutement

The Institute of Molecular Genetic of Montpellier, is seeking for a post-doc position in neuroscience, molecular characterization of a neurodegenerative disease.

Date d'arrivée à l'IT : 10/11/2022

Assistant Professor in Biological Computation

Type of contract

Location San Diego,

Status En cours de recrutement

The Department of Cognitive Science at the University of California, San Diego invites applicants for a tenure track Assistant Professor position specializing in biological computation.

Date d'arrivée à l'IT : 10/11/2022

Open-Rank Position in Cognition and Perception (Cognitive Neuroscience) at NYU

Type of contract

Location New-York City,

Status En cours de recrutement

The Department of Psychology in the Faculty of Arts and Science at New York University invites applications for an open-rank, tenure-track or tenured position in Cognitive Neuroscience. 

Date d'arrivée à l'IT : 10/11/2022

Post-doctoral researcher \"Understanding the neural mechanisms underlying the formation of olfaction-related memory traces in rodents\" M/F

Type of contract FTC Scientist

Location Bordeaux,

Status En cours de recrutement

The Interdisciplinary Institute of Neuroscience (IINS) of Bordeaux is looking for a post-doctoral researcher to carry out a research project aimed at understanding the neural mechanisms underlying the formation of olfaction-related memory traces in rodents.

Date d'arrivée à l'IT : 10/11/2022

Postdoctoral fellow or research engineer: neural plasticity

Type of contract CDD

Location Paris,

Status En cours de recrutement

The team PCAC at the Hearing Institute of Paris (Institut de l’Audition, IdA) has an open postdoctoral/research engineer position in systems neuroscience with the broad goal of understanding the plasticity of central auditory circuits related to acoustic overstimulation and genetic forms of deafness.

Date d'arrivée à l'IT : 10/11/2022

The Rossoll Laboratory seeks a postodoctoral candidate

Type of contract

Location Jacksonville,

Status En cours de recrutement

The Neurobiology of Neurodegenerative Diseases Laboratory at the Mayo Clinic in Jacksonville (FL) is looking for a highly motivated post-doctoral candidate for an NIH-funded study.

Date d'arrivée à l'IT : 10/11/2022

Postdoctoral researcher - central regulation of appetite (M / F)

Type of contract FTC Scientist

Location Valbonne,

Status En cours de recrutement

The Institute of Molecular and Cellular Pharmacology (IPMC) is seeking a highly skilled postdoctoral researcher with knowledge in genomics, physiology and neuroscience.

Date d'arrivée à l'IT : 10/11/2022

Post-doctoral position in the team \"Sleep and Emotional Memory\" at Girardeau Lab

Type of contract CDD

Location Paris,

Status Recrutement en cours

The team "Sleep and Emotional Memory" at the Fer-a-Moulin (IFM) Institute in Paris is seeking a post-doctoral fellow for an up-to-3-years fully funded position.

Date d'arrivée à l'IT : 03/11/2022

Post-doc position to study differentiation, maintenance and natural variation of colour photoreceptor neurons in Drosophila

Type of contract CDD

Location Saclay,

Status Recrutement en cours

We are seeking a talented and highly motivated postdoc to join the Drosophila Neurogenetics team, headed by Daniel Vasiliauskas, at the Paris-Saclay Institute of Neuroscience (NeuroPSI).

Date d'arrivée à l'IT : 03/11/2022

Retinal neuroprotection in glaucoma - 2-years Post doc position

Type of contract CDD

Location Rome,

Status Recrutement en cours

The appointee will be engaged in a pre-clinical project, mainly in-vivo but also in-vitro experiments, knowledge of biochemistry, immunohistochemistry, immunofluorescence (confocal microscopy), cell and molecular biology techniques is required.

Date d'arrivée à l'IT : 03/11/2022

Post-doc position to study Redox signaling in stem cells

Type of contract CDD

Location Paris,

Status Recrutement en cours

This project will explore the influence of Reactive Oxygen Species (ROS) and Redox signalling on the delicate choice of a stem cell to self-renew or differentiate.

Date d'arrivée à l'IT : 03/11/2022

Staff scientist at Institut Pasteur

Type of contract

Location Paris,

Status Recrutement en cours

Call for application as staff scientist at Institut Pasteur.

Date d'arrivée à l'IT : 31/10/2022

Post doctoral position at the Brain Institute in Paris

Type of contract CDD

Location Paris,

Status Recrutement en cours

Matthieu Peyre, membre de l’équipe « Génétique et développement des tumeurs cérébrales » à l’Institut du Cerveau, cherche un/e chercheur/se post-doctorant/e intéressé/e par un projet translationnel sur les cavernomes cérébraux pour lequel il sera en autonomie.

Date d'arrivée à l'IT : 31/10/2022

Post doctoral researcher in neuronal circuits of affective touch and pain

Type of contract CDD

Location Montpellier,

Status Recrutement en cours

The "Affective Touch" team is working on the neural processes that allow tactile stimulation to be perceived as pleasant and at the origin of prosocial behaviour, in naive and pathological conditions. The institute is located in the beautiful city of Montpellier, south of France, near the Mediterranean Sea.

Date d'arrivée à l'IT : 28/10/2022

3-year post-doc positions (neurodevelopment and rhythm processing)

Type of contract CDD

Location Amiens,

Status Recrutement en cours

A 3-year post-doc position is available within the research project PreMusic, funded by the French National Research Agency ANR.

Un poste de post-doc de 3 ans est disponible dans le cadre du projet de recherche PreMusic, financé par l'Agence nationale de la recherche française ANR.

Date d'arrivée à l'IT : 21/10/2022

3-year post-doc positions (neurodevelopment and rhythm processing)

Type of contract CDD

Location Dijon,

Status Recrutement en cours

A 3-year post-doc position is available within the research project PreMusic, funded by the French National Research Agency ANR.

Un poste de post-doc de 3 ans est disponible dans le cadre du projet de recherche PreMusic, financé par l'Agence nationale de la recherche française ANR.

Date d'arrivée à l'IT : 21/10/2022

Postdoctoral research fellowship program Clermont-Ferrand (France)-NeuroDol

Type of contract CDD

Location Clermont-Ferrand,

Status En cours

Postdoc offer in the NeuroDol laboratory in Clermont-Ferrand (France).

Offre de de postdoc dans le laboratoire NeuroDol à Clermont-Ferrand (France).

Date d'arrivée à l'IT : 21/10/2022


Type of contract CDD

Location Clermont-Ferrand,

Status En cours

Date d'arrivée à l'IT : 19/10/2022

Postdoc - Episodic memory and hippocampal deformities in breast cancer patients

Type of contract CDD

Location Caen (France),


Date d'arrivée à l'IT : 30/09/2022

Date d'arrivée à l'IT : 30/09/2022

Date d'arrivée à l'IT : 23/09/2022

Date d'arrivée à l'IT : 23/09/2022

Date d'arrivée à l'IT : 23/09/2022


Type of contract

Location Marseille (France),


Date d'arrivée à l'IT : 18/09/2022

Post-doctoral position in Central Nervous System Axon regeneration

Type of contract

Location Grenoble (France),


Date d'arrivée à l'IT : 10/09/2022

Postdoctoral position in Neurodevelopment and Epilepsy

Type of contract

Location ,


Date d'arrivée à l'IT : 10/09/2022


Type of contract

Location ,


Date d'arrivée à l'IT : 09/09/2022


Type of contract

Location ,


Date d'arrivée à l'IT : 09/09/2022


Type of contract

Location ,


Date d'arrivée à l'IT : 09/09/2022


Type of contract

Location ,


Date d'arrivée à l'IT : 09/09/2022


Type of contract

Location ,


Date d'arrivée à l'IT : 09/09/2022

Post-doctoral fellow in genetic engineering and mouse modeling

Type of contract CDD

Location Paris,

Status En cours

The successful candidate should be able to use multiple techniques such as genetic engineering and Crispr-editing, in utero electroporation, highthroughput in vivo screening, imaging and single-cell omics

Date d'arrivée à l'IT : 15/06/2022

Post-doctoral fellow in brain organoid modelling

Type of contract CDD

Location Paris,

Status En cours

The main aim of the project is to understand the molecular and cellular bases of focal cortical dysplasia and epileptogenesis, notably the developmental mechanisms leading to FCD. To achieve this, genetic engineering approaches will be applied to generate hiPSC-derived mosaic brain organoids mimicking FCD somatic mutations. The successful candidate should be able to generate and characterize cortical organoids using different approaches, including Crisprediting, 3D cell culture, high-throughput screening, imaging and single-cell omics.

Date d'arrivée à l'IT : 15/06/2022

Post-Doctoral research fellow in Neurobiology and Nutrition

Type of contract CDD

Location Bordeaux,

Status Post-Doc

You will be welcomed in the NutriNeuro Lab (team NutriMind) at Bordeaux University to investigate exosomes as a source of novel biomarkers for the nutritional prevention of age-related cognitive decline. You will be evaluating microglia-neuron interactions using iPSC cell cultures and mini-brain models at the cellular and exosomal (extra cellular vesicles) levels.

Date d'arrivée à l'IT : 08/06/2022

Post-doctoral position in neurobiology

Type of contract Post-doctorat

Location Marseille,

Status En recrutement

Post doctoral position at the INMED (Marseille) to work on functional circuits for procedural learning and memory, using a multi-scale approach from synapses to neuronal circuits and multiple technics (multiphoton imaging, chemo/optogenetics, mapping, patch-clamp, transgenic mouse models).

We are seeking for a motivated post-doc candidate with a strong background in Neuroscience to study functional circuits for procedural learning and memory. Our scientific aim is to characterize network dynamics and connectivity related to learned motor sequences and to dissect cell-specific roles in population activity, using a multi-scale approach from synapses to neurons to neuronal circuits (Fino et al., 2018, Nat Comm, Badreddine et al., 2022, Cell Reports). We combine multiphoton imaging, circuit manipulation (chemo-/optogenetics) and mapping, and patch-clamp multi-recordings in ex vivo and in vivo transgenic mouse models.

Date d'arrivée à l'IT : 01/06/2022

Postdoc : santé mentale & troubles mentaux

Type of contract CDD (2 ans)

Location Bobigny et Dijon (France),

Status Recrutement en cours

Projet post-doctoral à l'USPN et l'INRAE portant sur la santé mentale et les troubles mentaux : approche pluri-disciplinaire (biostatistiques, épidémiologie, nutrition, psychologie, endocrinologie, médecine préventive et santé publique).

Date d'arrivée à l'IT : 01/06/2022

Postdoctoral Scientist ' Cell Biology

Type of contract CDD 3 ans

Location Cambridge (United Kingdom),

Status Recrutement en cours

The successful applicant will be awarded a 3-year Career Development Fellowship/ Postdoctoral Training Scheme position.  This is a training and development position for a Postdoctoral Scientist who has recently completed their doctoral studies, is moving into a new research discipline or has limited experience of key transferable skills. The MRC LMB has excellent scientific core facilities and training opportunities.

Date d'arrivée à l'IT : 25/05/2022

Financement post-doctoral (2 ans)

Type of contract Financement 2 ans

Location Rouen (France),

Status Recrutement en cours

L'équipe 4 de l'Unité Inserm 1245 recherche un(e) candidat(e) motivé(e) pour postuler à un financement post-doctoral. L'appel d'offres vise de jeunes chercheuses et chercheurs actuellement à l'étranger et désireux de revenir en France.

Date d'arrivée à l'IT : 11/05/2022

Research fellow

Type of contract CDD

Location Londres, Royaume-Uni,

Status En cours

Key Requirements: PhD (or be studying towards it) in biology, neuroscience, engineering or another relevant subject area and proven knowledge of modern research methods applicable to systems neuroscience.

Date d'arrivée à l'IT : 11/05/2022

Postdoc research positions are available in sensory circuits development 2022

Type of contract CDD

Location Alicante (Espagne),

Status En cours

We are currently looking for highly motivated postdoctoral neuroscientists with a strong background in neuroscience to study the functional development of sensory circuits and spontaneous activity programs in mice using in vivo meso-scale and two-photon calcium imaging and in vivo electrophysiology.

Date d'arrivée à l'IT : 11/05/2022

Post-doc position: molecular mechanisms linking cellular metabolic pathways and human neocortical growth

Type of contract CDD

Location Paris (France),

Status En cours

Skills required: PhD preferentially with a background in neurodevelopment and molecular biology. Valuable experience in cell culture and imaging are highly appreciated as well. Candidate should be highly organized, able to work independently and as part of a team.

Date d'arrivée à l'IT : 20/04/2022

Postdoctoral position in cellular neuroscience and in vivo neurophysiology

Type of contract CDD

Location Lyon - France,

Status En cours

The postdoctoral researcher will be involved in all stages of designing, conducting and analyzing in vivo EEG experiments in a mouse model of Dravet syndrome, with a specific focus on sleep regulation, with the objective to investigate the relation between epilepsy-related autonomic dysfunctions and alterations of arousal regulation in the pathophysiology of SUDEP

Date d'arrivée à l'IT : 20/04/2022

Postdoc - processing using ultra-fast acousto-optic two-photon microscopy

Type of contract CDD

Location Paris (France),

Status En cours

Previous knowledge in optical methods for neuroscience is welcome and will be a plus. Expertise in programming data analysis will be extremely helpful in order to design the experiment and fully exploit the high-resolution data.

Date d'arrivée à l'IT : 15/04/2022

Postdoctoral researcher

Type of contract CDD

Location Kansas (USA),

Status En cours

Required Qualifications

  • PhD in psychology, economics, statistics, data science, or related field.
  • Expertise in computational modeling of human decision making as evidenced by application material.
  • Expertise in Python, Matlab, or R as evidenced by application material.
  • Expertise in designing and implementing in-lab or online behavioral studies as evidenced by application material.

NOTE: To be appointed as a Postdoctoral Researcher, it is necessary to have the PhD in hand. Appointments made without a diploma or certified transcript indicating an earned doctorate are conditional hires and are appointed on an acting basis.

Date d'arrivée à l'IT : 15/04/2022

Group leader

Type of contract CDD

Location Lyon - France,

Status En cours

CORTEX is launching an international call 'Chair of Excellence' to recruit an outstanding early-career or established researcher to develop his/her project within the broad spectrum of neuroscience fields related to CORTEX interests, including neurodevelopment and large-scale network dynamics. We are particularly interested in researchers applying cutting-edge methods that would strengthen our existing expertise in neuro-imaging, high field MRI, omics, and cellular and molecular neurosciences.

Date d'arrivée à l'IT : 15/04/2022

2 postdoctoral scientist positions available

Type of contract CDD 1 an renouvelable

Location Paris-Saclay (France),

Status En cours

The ideal candidate holds a PhD, should be interested in the organization of brainstem descending tracts and has some of the following key qualifications:

  • Experimental work on transgenic mice;
  • Stereotaxic surgeries;
  • Molecular biology and genomic data analysis;
  • Kinematic recordings;
  • Optogenetic and chemogenetic manipulations in rodents;
  • Computer proficiency, including with Matlab, R, or python.

Date d'arrivée à l'IT : 14/04/2022

Postdoc in Computational Neuroscience Machine Learning

Type of contract CDD

Location Saitama (near Tokyo), Japan,

Status En cours

We seek outstanding researchers with a strong theoretical/computational background and an avid interest in neuroscience. The candidate should possess a doctoral degree in computer science, physics, engineering, neuroscience, psychology, mathematics, statistics, or a related field. The ideal candidate has broad experience in neural network design, training, and testing. Candidates from underrepresented groups in science are vigorously encouraged to apply.

Date d'arrivée à l'IT : 08/04/2022

Post-doctoral position in the field of neural stem cell metabolism

Type of contract CDD

Location Lausanne (Suisse),

Status En cours

In order to complete our team, we are looking for someone with the following skills :

  • PhD degree in life science or equivalent
  • Strong interest in cell and developmental biology, neurobiology and metabolism
  • Fluency in English (oral and written)
  • Previous research experience in embryonic brain development (desirable)
  • Experience in cell culture and live-imaging (desirable)

Date d'arrivée à l'IT : 08/04/2022

Postdoc researcher in computational modeling of multimodal communication in face-to-face dialogue

Type of contract CDD

Location Amsterdam (Pays-Bas),

Status En cours

  • a PhD in Natural Language Processing, Computer Science, Psycholinguistics, Cognitive Science, or related field;

  • strong expertise in one or more of these areas: data-driven methods for data analysis, computational psycholinguistics, deep neural network models;

  • experience working with multimodal and/or conversational data would be an advantage;

  • experience working with motion capture and time series data would be an advantage;

  • the ability and willingness to work in an interdisciplinary team, with regular exchanges with a group of experts and collaborators;

  • excellent ability to write and present scientific results in English;

  • knowledge of Dutch is a plus (the dataset to be analyzed is in Dutch), but not a requirement.



Date d'arrivée à l'IT : 08/04/2022


Type of contract CDD

Location Caen (France),

Status En cours

The objectives of our project are 1) to investigate the neural correlates of cognitive resilience in a preclinical model of early stages of human AD and 2) to test the therapeutic relevance of targeted signaling pathways to prevent the development of AD signs.

Date d'arrivée à l'IT : 06/04/2022

Postdoctoral fellowship on Neurobiology of Overgrowth syndromes

Type of contract Post-Doctorat - Post-Doctoral position

Location Paris (France),

Status En cours

Two Postdoctoral positions are available to study the molecular mechanisms controlling organismal hypergrowth in the context of rare genetic diseases. Research interests in signal transduction, neurobiology or molecular biology are required.

Date d'arrivée à l'IT : 01/04/2022

PostDoc Position in Preclinical Cognitive Neurosciences

Type of contract Post-Doctorat - Post-Doctoral position

Location Caen (France),

Status En cours

The INSERM-UNICAEN-COMETE U1075 research unit (http://comete.unicaen.fr/) invites applications for a 12-month postdoctoral position in the field of preclinical cognitive neurosciences.

Date d'arrivée à l'IT : 01/04/2022


Type of contract CDD 1 an renouvelable

Location Lausanne (Suisse),

Status En cours

The applicant must have a Ph.D. in Neuroscience, Cellular and Molecular Biology or in Computational Neuroscience, Cellular and Molecular Biology or in Computational Neuroscience and interests in studying neurodevelopmental disorders. Candidates with experience in fly genetics and behavior, electrophysiology, neurodevelopment and/or molecular mechanisms of gene regulation and expression are strongly encouraged to apply.

Date d'arrivée à l'IT : 31/03/2022

Post-doctoral position in molecular biology in mood disorders

Type of contract CDD

Location Paris (France),

Status En cours

The candidate will investigate biomarkers of response to lithium in bipolar disorders using molecular, cellular and biochemical approaches. The candidate will also have frequent interaction with clinicians on the project. The ability to work both independently and cooperatively within a team is essential.

Date d'arrivée à l'IT : 17/03/2022

Postdoctoral position in microfluidics for studying neuron myelination on chip models

Type of contract CDD

Location Paris (France),

Status En cours

Profile: a microfluidic scientist with an expertise applied to cell culture or a cell neurobiologist with a strong knowledge of microfluidics. Consolidated expertise (>= 3 years) in cell culture is absolutely required. Experience in calcium imaging would be strongly appreciated but not necessary.

Date d'arrivée à l'IT : 17/03/2022

Postdoc position in astrocytes-neurons interactions

Type of contract CDD

Location Strasbourg (France),

Status En cours

Candidates should be independent, motivated and very enthusiastic, with strong expertise in either in vivo extracellular electrophysiology, in vivo or ex vivo calcium imaging. Complementary skills including Python programming, ex vivo patch-clamp or molecular biology are welcome. Candidate should hold a PhD in Neuroscience or related disciplines.

Date d'arrivée à l'IT : 09/03/2022

Postdoc position: Childhood malignancies of the nervous system

Type of contract CDD

Location Lyon - France,

Status En cours

We invite candidates with the following profiles to apply:
Acquired skills in developmental biology, in vivo manipulations and molecular biology, imaging. Knowledge of the chicken embryo model would be a great plus.
Acquired skills in transcriptomic approaches (single cell RNAseq and data analysis) applied to developmental biology and/or cell lineage studies.

We wish to recruit a post-doc with excellent interpersonal and communication skills, good work ethics, strong motivation and creativity. Fluency in English is mandatory but ability to speak French is not required.

Date d'arrivée à l'IT : 25/02/2022

Concours DR2 Inserm : 40 postes ouverts en 2022

Type of contract concours

Location France,

Status En cours

L'Inserm recrute 40 directeurs et directrices de recherche : s'inscrire avant le 21 mars 2022 sur eva3-accueil.inserm.fr

Date d'arrivée à l'IT : 24/02/2022

Cellular Neurology Expert H/F

Type of contract CDI

Location Croissy-sur-Seine (Yvelines - France),

Status En cours

Ph.D. and post-doc in the neurology field with a strong record of scientific publications.
Strong experience in team management.
Solid background in In vitro pharmacology.
Deep knowledge of neurodegenerative disease mechanisms such as movement disorders (Ataxia, ALS, Parkinson, MSA...).
Recognized expertise in neurology and related cellular assays including physiopathological models (primary cell culture, iPS-derived cell lines, 3D models) and state-of-the-art technologies (cellular imaging, microfluidic cell culture systems...).
Strong collaborative skills and ability to work effectively in multidisciplinary teams. Perfect communication and presentation skills, both written and oral (French/English). Management and leadership capabilities in a fast-paced environment. Demonstrates good network and relationship building skills.
Several years in industry, CRO or biotech experience as a researcher and/or project leader is a prerequisite.

Date d'arrivée à l'IT : 24/02/2022

Postdoctoral Researcher (f/m/d) in Cellular Neuroscience

Type of contract CDD

Location Bordeaux (France),

Status En cours


Enthusiasm for synaptic research and cellular mechanisms of neurodegenerative diseases.

PhD in neuroscience or cell biology (or in the final stages of submitting the thesis)

Prior experience with cellular imaging and/or in vitro electrophysiology techniques is an asset

Collaborative mindset, good communication skills and language proficiency in English

Date d'arrivée à l'IT : 24/02/2022

ERC-funded postdoctoral position

Type of contract CDD

Location Grenoble (France),

Status En cours

ERC-funded postdoctoral position to use NMR and integrated structural biology to describe highly dynamic viral replication assemblies (SARS-CoV-2, Measles, Influenza).

Date d'arrivée à l'IT : 24/02/2022

Postdoc (m/f/d) Social Systems and Circuits

Type of contract CDD (2 ans)

Location Francfort,

Status En cours

We are searching for a creative, highly motivated individual with a strong quantitative background. Ideal candidates will have:

PhD in Neuroscience or a related field

Expertise in in vivo calcium imaging and/or in vivo electrophysiology

Strong quantitative and programming skills

Excellent verbal and written communication skills in English

Date d'arrivée à l'IT : 17/02/2022

Postdoctoral research fellows to investigate how experience shapes the brain

Type of contract 5-year-posts are subject to probation at 30 months

Location Birmingham (UK),

Status Available

Candidates should have a PhD in a Life Sciences discipline (e.g. Biology, Biochemistry, Genetics, Neuroscience or related). The 5-year-posts are subject to probation at 30 months.

Date d'arrivée à l'IT : 17/02/2022

Postdoc position in Drosophila circuit and behavioural neuroscience

Type of contract CDD

Location Paris-Saclay (France),

Status En cours

We are seeking applications of highly motivated individuals, preferably with background in neuroscience. PhD in neuroscience, biology or related fields is required. Experience in Calcium-imaging and/or programming will be appreciated.

Date d'arrivée à l'IT : 17/02/2022

Research fellow

Type of contract

Location London (UK),

Status Available

Postdoc opportunity with Dr Marc Busche (UK DRI at UCL) & Prof David Sharp (UK DRI CR&T)
examining the effects of TBI on neuronal circuit and neurovascular function in vivo
Deadline: 14 Feb 2022

Date d'arrivée à l'IT : 10/02/2022

Concours de chargés de recherche de classe normale sur profil (H/F)

Type of contract Concours

Location France,

Status En cours

Le recrutement s’effectue, en règle générale, parmi les chercheurs et les chercheuses en début de carrière ayant soutenu une thèse (ou justifiant de titres et travaux scientifiques jugés équivalents). Les candidats doivent avoir valorisé les résultats de leur thèse par des publications. 

Date d'arrivée à l'IT : 10/02/2022

Postdoc Position in Retina Research / Computational Neuroscience

Type of contract

Location Göttingen, Germany,

Status En cours

We are looking for a highly motivated scientist with a good background in electrophysiology or
computational/theoretical neuroscience. Experience in both of these areas is a bonus, but not
required. Experience in computer programming or in scripting of data analysis routines is also a plus.

Date d'arrivée à l'IT : 10/02/2022

Full-time post-doctoral cognitive neuroscientist in the European consortium Experience

Type of contract

Location ,

Status En cours

Requirements for the candidates:
 hold a PhD in cognitive neurosciences, neurosciences, psychology, and/or related fields;
 solid record of internationally peer-reviewed scientific work;
 expertise or strong interest in temporal and/or spatial cognition;
 solid understanding of statistics;
 prior experience with EEG or MEG methods preferred;
 signal processing and programming skills (python);
 autonomy and capacity to lead one’s project independently as well as collaborate with others;
 be an overall good lab citizen;
 fluid mastery of both oral and written English


Date d'arrivée à l'IT : 10/02/2022

Post-Doc in Human Robot Interaction

Type of contract CDD

Location Dijon,

Status En cours

The candidate must have a PhD in computer science, robotics, machine learning, and/or some familiarity with human-robot interaction programming. Experience with EEG analysis would be a plus.

Date d'arrivée à l'IT : 10/02/2022

3-year postdoctoral position - NALCN-related diseases

Type of contract CDD (3 ans)

Location Montpellier (France),

Status En cours

 PhD or MD/PhD with a background in Physiology and/or Neuroscience
 Excellent research records and academic activities
 Strong expertise in wet-lab experience with advanced techniques (i.e., Patch-clamp, Viral-mediated gene transfer in animal models, Calcium imaging) and quantitative data analysis
 Experience in mouse behavior assessment and analysis is a pre-requisite. Holding an EU accreditation to conduct experiments in animals will be a plus.
 Be imaginative, open, dynamic, team-worker, strongly self-driven and well organized.

Date d'arrivée à l'IT : 10/02/2022

Post-Doc Position in Cell Biology/Neurosciences

Type of contract CDD

Location Lyon - France,

Status En cours

Applicants are expected to have a strong background and proven track record in cell biology or neurosciences. Experience in working with cellular/moleculr biology, scRNA-Seq, and/or ChiP-Seq will be valuable. Expertise in sequencing data analysis ould be helpful. English proficencey is mandatory (French is a plus). Strong communication skills, team spirit and ability to work in a multidisciplinary team are expected.

Date d'arrivée à l'IT : 03/02/2022

Post-doctorant Data scientist : prédiction des crises épileptiques

Type of contract CDD

Location Paris (France),

Status En cours

Le candidat sera en charge du projet visant à identifier et caractériser des modifications spécifiques des activités cérébrales avant la survenue des crises épileptiques, sous la codirection du Pr Vincent Navarro et du Dr Mario Chavez.

Date d'arrivée à l'IT : 01/02/2022

ERC funded postdoctoral position in neursocience

Type of contract CDD

Location Paris (France),

Status En cours

The candidate should have a PhD in neuroscience or cellular / developmental biology. Expertise in molecular and cellular biology, electrophysiology or microscopy will be appreciated.

Date d'arrivée à l'IT : 27/01/2022

Postdoc - alcool et pharmacodépendances

Type of contract CDD

Location Amiens (France),

Status En cours

  • We are looking for experienced candidates with a PhD in Neuroscience who is motivated to lead and excited by the science.

  • Prior solid experience with calcium Imaging and chemogenetics in behaving rodents and surgical techniques is essential.

  • Experience of working with viral vectors is desirable.



Date d'arrivée à l'IT : 27/01/2022


Type of contract CDD

Location Baltimore (USA),

Status En cours

Candidates must hold a PhD degree (or equivalent) in neuroscience, molecular biology, biomedical engineering or a related field. The ideal candidate should have molecular biology and some bioinformatics skills, and be passionate about tool development and brain mapping.

Date d'arrivée à l'IT : 21/01/2022

Postdoctoral fellowship in clinical research

Type of contract CDD

Location Bordeaux (France),

Status En cours

Applicants should hold a Ph.D. degree with preferred background in Neurosciences, Psychology/Psychiatry, Epidemiology or Nutrition. Previous experience in monitoring clinical studies and marked interest in translational approaches will be strongly appreciated, as well as good abilities of organization, and good team-working and communication skills. French language proficiency is required.

Date d'arrivée à l'IT : 21/01/2022

Postdoctoral Fellow in brain organoid modeling

Type of contract CDD

Location Paris (France),

Status En cours

The successful candidate should be able to generate and characterize cortical organoids using different approaches, including Crispr-editing, 3D cell culture, high-throughput screening, imaging and single-cell omics

Date d'arrivée à l'IT : 20/01/2022

Postdoctoral Fellow in genetic engineering and mouse modeling

Type of contract CDD

Location Paris (France),

Status En cours

The successful candidate should be able to use multiple techniques such as genetic engineering and Crispr-editing, in utero electroporation, high-throughput in vivo screening, imaging and single-cell omics.

Date d'arrivée à l'IT : 20/01/2022

2 Postdoc Positions on early neurodevelopment of auditory temporal processing

Type of contract CDD

Location Amiens (France) / Hamilton (Canada,

Status En cours

Two postdoctoral research positions are available in the framework of the International collaborative research project between France and Canada, BabyMusic, funded by la fondation pour l'audition. This project which is based on a bimodal neuroimaging approach (high resolution electroencephalography and high density functional near-infrared spectroscopy), aims to investigate the capacities related to auditory rhythm perception during very early neurodevelopment starting from premature neonates to infants during the first year of life. The Post-doctoral researchers will be welcomed at McMaster Institute for Music and the Mind (directed by Prof. Laurel Trainor), Hamilton, Canada, and at INSERM U1105, Groupe de Recherches sur l'Analyse Multimodale de la Fonction Cérébrale (directed by Prof. Fabrice Wallois), Amiens, France. The successful candidates will be working in committed, interdisciplinary teams in Canada and France with many years of internationally renowned expertise in cognitive and developmental neuroscience, neurocognition of music, and clinical care of neonates. The post-doctoral fellows will be working in collaboration with both laboratories in France and Canada, and joining two groups of researchers, graduate students, and postdocs, while having the majority of the research conducted in one of the laboratories.

Date d'arrivée à l'IT : 20/01/2022

4 Postdoc Positions on fetal MEG by OPM

Type of contract CDD

Location Amiens/Grenoble/Tübingen/France/Allemagne,

Status En cours

Two postdoctoral research positions Four postdoctoral research positions are available in the framework of the DFG-ANR funded project fMEG-OPM (PIs Prof. Etienne Labyt, Dr. Mahdi Mahmoudzadeh, Prof. Hubert Preissl, Prof. Fabrice Wallois). This DFG-ANR project opens up a wide range of opportunities to the successful candidate. The successful candidate will benefit from a stimulating scientific environment where it is possible to invite peer researchers, exchange ideas with fellow researchers in the DFG-ANR project fMEG-OPM; about 15 researchers reside at INSERM, CEA, Tubingen labs, interact with each other in the framework of the DFG-ANR project fMEG-OPM. The successful candidates will join the multidisciplinary research groups where s/he will be in close interaction with the team members. The positions are available for 3 years starting May 2022.
The successful candidates will devote the majority of regular working hours to research topics that have been given priority in the fMEG-OPM DFG-ANR project.

Date d'arrivée à l'IT : 20/01/2022


Type of contract CDD

Location Amiens (France) & Barcelone (Espagne),

Status En cours

We are looking for a highly motivated postdoctoral fellow to work in a multi-disciplinary project to study brain functions in infants using functional near-infrared & diffusion correlation (fNIRS & fDCS) spectroscopies coupled with EEG recording. Candidates must hold an internationally recognized Ph.D.-equivalent degree in a relevant field (Computational neuroscience, Electrical or Biomedical Engineering).

Date d'arrivée à l'IT : 20/01/2022

Chef de projet en neurosciences et recherche

Type of contract CDD ou mobilité

Location Saint-Denis La Plaine (Paris),

Status En cours

Doctorat en biologie ou équivalent scientifique ;
• Expérience de travaux dans le domaine des neurosciences ;
• Bonne connaissance des enjeux liés aux recherches utilisant des cellules souches pluripotentes ;
• Très bonne qualité de rédaction et de synthèse ;
• Maîtrise de l’anglais écrit et parlé ;
• Connaissance du secteur de la recherche en France : organisation, fonctionnement, acteurs ;
• Bon relationnel ;
• Aptitude au travail en équipe et à la coopération interdisciplinaire au sein de l’Agence ;
• Capacités d’organisation et de gestion de la charge de travail ;
• Compétences bureautiques classiques

Date d'arrivée à l'IT : 13/01/2022

Concours chercheurs

Type of contract Concours

Location France,

Status En cours

L'Inserm recrute chaque année par voie de concours des chercheurs juniors (Chargé de recherche) et seniors (Directeur de recherche).

Travailler à l’Inserm, c’est rejoindre plus de 15 000 personnes mobilisées dans les laboratoires et les administrations pour construire une recherche d’excellence, proche des préoccupations de la société et porteuse d’innovation.

Travailler à l’Inserm, c’est bénéficier d’un environnement de travail de qualité et d’un dispositif de recherche performant.

Travailler à l’Inserm, c’est faire partie du seul organisme public français de recherche dédié exclusivement à la recherche biomédicale, le premier à la pointe de la recherche médicale au XXIe siècle.

Date d'arrivée à l'IT : 13/01/2022

Postdoc & PhD positions: cognitive model of Idiopathic Environmental Intolerance

Type of contract CDD

Location Paris (France),

Status En cours

Two PhD students and one post-doc fellow will be recruited in April 2022 for 3 years. Ideal candidates are highly motivated for research, are good team players with an open mind for interdisciplinary research involving medical and psychological sciences and computational approaches, and are able to speak and write English fluently. Three complementary profiles are proposed:
One candidate with a good knowledge of scientific methods and statistics for behavioral experiments in cognitive science, psycho(patho)logy, or a related field. Experience with psychometric testing of patients, data analysis, and programming in Matlab or similar software is advantageous. The candidate's main tasks will be to program, run and analyze behavioral experiments with patients suffering from IEI, involving interoceptive tasks and tests of cognitive biases.
One candidate with previous experience in data analysis, programming in Matlab or Python, and experience in developing computational models of psychopathological conditions (computational psychology/psychiatry) and in the model-based analysis of behavioral data, using methods such as Bayesian inference, reinforcement learning, and deep learning. The candidate's main missions will be to build, simulate, fit and test computational models of human behavior for patients with IEI.
One candidate needs to be a fluently French speaking CBT-trained psychologist with great clinical experience and a strong interest in innovative CBT programs. Experience in qualitative analysis is a plus. The candidate's main missions will be to build, run and test a CBT treatment program with patients suffering from IEI.


Date d'arrivée à l'IT : 12/01/2022