République Française Inserm
Institut thématique Neurosciences, sciences cognitives, neurologie, psychiatrie

Post-docs & researchers / Janvier 2022

ERC funded postdoctoral position in neursocience

Type of contract CDD

Location Paris (France),

Status En cours

The candidate should have a PhD in neuroscience or cellular / developmental biology. Expertise in molecular and cellular biology, electrophysiology or microscopy will be appreciated.

Date d'arrivée à l'IT : 27/01/2022

Postdoc - alcool et pharmacodépendances

Type of contract CDD

Location Amiens (France),

Status En cours

  • We are looking for experienced candidates with a PhD in Neuroscience who is motivated to lead and excited by the science.

  • Prior solid experience with calcium Imaging and chemogenetics in behaving rodents and surgical techniques is essential.

  • Experience of working with viral vectors is desirable.



Date d'arrivée à l'IT : 27/01/2022


Type of contract CDD

Location Baltimore (USA),

Status En cours

Candidates must hold a PhD degree (or equivalent) in neuroscience, molecular biology, biomedical engineering or a related field. The ideal candidate should have molecular biology and some bioinformatics skills, and be passionate about tool development and brain mapping.

Date d'arrivée à l'IT : 21/01/2022

Postdoctoral fellowship in clinical research

Type of contract CDD

Location Bordeaux (France),

Status En cours

Applicants should hold a Ph.D. degree with preferred background in Neurosciences, Psychology/Psychiatry, Epidemiology or Nutrition. Previous experience in monitoring clinical studies and marked interest in translational approaches will be strongly appreciated, as well as good abilities of organization, and good team-working and communication skills. French language proficiency is required.

Date d'arrivée à l'IT : 21/01/2022

Postdoctoral Fellow in brain organoid modeling

Type of contract CDD

Location Paris (France),

Status En cours

The successful candidate should be able to generate and characterize cortical organoids using different approaches, including Crispr-editing, 3D cell culture, high-throughput screening, imaging and single-cell omics

Date d'arrivée à l'IT : 20/01/2022

Postdoctoral Fellow in genetic engineering and mouse modeling

Type of contract CDD

Location Paris (France),

Status En cours

The successful candidate should be able to use multiple techniques such as genetic engineering and Crispr-editing, in utero electroporation, high-throughput in vivo screening, imaging and single-cell omics.

Date d'arrivée à l'IT : 20/01/2022

2 Postdoc Positions on early neurodevelopment of auditory temporal processing

Type of contract CDD

Location Amiens (France) / Hamilton (Canada,

Status En cours

Two postdoctoral research positions are available in the framework of the International collaborative research project between France and Canada, BabyMusic, funded by la fondation pour l'audition. This project which is based on a bimodal neuroimaging approach (high resolution electroencephalography and high density functional near-infrared spectroscopy), aims to investigate the capacities related to auditory rhythm perception during very early neurodevelopment starting from premature neonates to infants during the first year of life. The Post-doctoral researchers will be welcomed at McMaster Institute for Music and the Mind (directed by Prof. Laurel Trainor), Hamilton, Canada, and at INSERM U1105, Groupe de Recherches sur l'Analyse Multimodale de la Fonction Cérébrale (directed by Prof. Fabrice Wallois), Amiens, France. The successful candidates will be working in committed, interdisciplinary teams in Canada and France with many years of internationally renowned expertise in cognitive and developmental neuroscience, neurocognition of music, and clinical care of neonates. The post-doctoral fellows will be working in collaboration with both laboratories in France and Canada, and joining two groups of researchers, graduate students, and postdocs, while having the majority of the research conducted in one of the laboratories.

Date d'arrivée à l'IT : 20/01/2022

4 Postdoc Positions on fetal MEG by OPM

Type of contract CDD

Location Amiens/Grenoble/Tübingen/France/Allemagne,

Status En cours

Two postdoctoral research positions Four postdoctoral research positions are available in the framework of the DFG-ANR funded project fMEG-OPM (PIs Prof. Etienne Labyt, Dr. Mahdi Mahmoudzadeh, Prof. Hubert Preissl, Prof. Fabrice Wallois). This DFG-ANR project opens up a wide range of opportunities to the successful candidate. The successful candidate will benefit from a stimulating scientific environment where it is possible to invite peer researchers, exchange ideas with fellow researchers in the DFG-ANR project fMEG-OPM; about 15 researchers reside at INSERM, CEA, Tubingen labs, interact with each other in the framework of the DFG-ANR project fMEG-OPM. The successful candidates will join the multidisciplinary research groups where s/he will be in close interaction with the team members. The positions are available for 3 years starting May 2022.
The successful candidates will devote the majority of regular working hours to research topics that have been given priority in the fMEG-OPM DFG-ANR project.

Date d'arrivée à l'IT : 20/01/2022


Type of contract CDD

Location Amiens (France) & Barcelone (Espagne),

Status En cours

We are looking for a highly motivated postdoctoral fellow to work in a multi-disciplinary project to study brain functions in infants using functional near-infrared & diffusion correlation (fNIRS & fDCS) spectroscopies coupled with EEG recording. Candidates must hold an internationally recognized Ph.D.-equivalent degree in a relevant field (Computational neuroscience, Electrical or Biomedical Engineering).

Date d'arrivée à l'IT : 20/01/2022

Chef de projet en neurosciences et recherche

Type of contract CDD ou mobilité

Location Saint-Denis La Plaine (Paris),

Status En cours

Doctorat en biologie ou équivalent scientifique ;
• Expérience de travaux dans le domaine des neurosciences ;
• Bonne connaissance des enjeux liés aux recherches utilisant des cellules souches pluripotentes ;
• Très bonne qualité de rédaction et de synthèse ;
• Maîtrise de l’anglais écrit et parlé ;
• Connaissance du secteur de la recherche en France : organisation, fonctionnement, acteurs ;
• Bon relationnel ;
• Aptitude au travail en équipe et à la coopération interdisciplinaire au sein de l’Agence ;
• Capacités d’organisation et de gestion de la charge de travail ;
• Compétences bureautiques classiques

Date d'arrivée à l'IT : 13/01/2022

Concours chercheurs

Type of contract Concours

Location France,

Status En cours

L'Inserm recrute chaque année par voie de concours des chercheurs juniors (Chargé de recherche) et seniors (Directeur de recherche).

Travailler à l’Inserm, c’est rejoindre plus de 15 000 personnes mobilisées dans les laboratoires et les administrations pour construire une recherche d’excellence, proche des préoccupations de la société et porteuse d’innovation.

Travailler à l’Inserm, c’est bénéficier d’un environnement de travail de qualité et d’un dispositif de recherche performant.

Travailler à l’Inserm, c’est faire partie du seul organisme public français de recherche dédié exclusivement à la recherche biomédicale, le premier à la pointe de la recherche médicale au XXIe siècle.

Date d'arrivée à l'IT : 13/01/2022

Postdoc & PhD positions: cognitive model of Idiopathic Environmental Intolerance

Type of contract CDD

Location Paris (France),

Status En cours

Two PhD students and one post-doc fellow will be recruited in April 2022 for 3 years. Ideal candidates are highly motivated for research, are good team players with an open mind for interdisciplinary research involving medical and psychological sciences and computational approaches, and are able to speak and write English fluently. Three complementary profiles are proposed:
One candidate with a good knowledge of scientific methods and statistics for behavioral experiments in cognitive science, psycho(patho)logy, or a related field. Experience with psychometric testing of patients, data analysis, and programming in Matlab or similar software is advantageous. The candidate's main tasks will be to program, run and analyze behavioral experiments with patients suffering from IEI, involving interoceptive tasks and tests of cognitive biases.
One candidate with previous experience in data analysis, programming in Matlab or Python, and experience in developing computational models of psychopathological conditions (computational psychology/psychiatry) and in the model-based analysis of behavioral data, using methods such as Bayesian inference, reinforcement learning, and deep learning. The candidate's main missions will be to build, simulate, fit and test computational models of human behavior for patients with IEI.
One candidate needs to be a fluently French speaking CBT-trained psychologist with great clinical experience and a strong interest in innovative CBT programs. Experience in qualitative analysis is a plus. The candidate's main missions will be to build, run and test a CBT treatment program with patients suffering from IEI.


Date d'arrivée à l'IT : 12/01/2022

Postdoctoral researcher in Neurodevelopment and Epilepsy

Type of contract CDD

Location Paris (France),

Status En cours

Candidates should hold a Ph.D. in Neuroscience and have solid experience with in vitro slice electrophysiology. Prior experience with stereotaxic injections and mouse models is preferred. Excellent teamwork and English communication skills are required.

Date d'arrivée à l'IT : 06/01/2022