République Française Inserm
Institut thématique Neurosciences, sciences cognitives, neurologie, psychiatrie

Post-docs & researchers / Juin 2022

Post-doctoral fellow in genetic engineering and mouse modeling

Type of contract CDD

Location Paris,

Status En cours

The successful candidate should be able to use multiple techniques such as genetic engineering and Crispr-editing, in utero electroporation, highthroughput in vivo screening, imaging and single-cell omics

Date d'arrivée à l'IT : 15/06/2022

Post-doctoral fellow in brain organoid modelling

Type of contract CDD

Location Paris,

Status En cours

The main aim of the project is to understand the molecular and cellular bases of focal cortical dysplasia and epileptogenesis, notably the developmental mechanisms leading to FCD. To achieve this, genetic engineering approaches will be applied to generate hiPSC-derived mosaic brain organoids mimicking FCD somatic mutations. The successful candidate should be able to generate and characterize cortical organoids using different approaches, including Crisprediting, 3D cell culture, high-throughput screening, imaging and single-cell omics.

Date d'arrivée à l'IT : 15/06/2022

Post-Doctoral research fellow in Neurobiology and Nutrition

Type of contract CDD

Location Bordeaux,

Status Post-Doc

You will be welcomed in the NutriNeuro Lab (team NutriMind) at Bordeaux University to investigate exosomes as a source of novel biomarkers for the nutritional prevention of age-related cognitive decline. You will be evaluating microglia-neuron interactions using iPSC cell cultures and mini-brain models at the cellular and exosomal (extra cellular vesicles) levels.

Date d'arrivée à l'IT : 08/06/2022

Post-doctoral position in neurobiology

Type of contract Post-doctorat

Location Marseille,

Status En recrutement

Post doctoral position at the INMED (Marseille) to work on functional circuits for procedural learning and memory, using a multi-scale approach from synapses to neuronal circuits and multiple technics (multiphoton imaging, chemo/optogenetics, mapping, patch-clamp, transgenic mouse models).

We are seeking for a motivated post-doc candidate with a strong background in Neuroscience to study functional circuits for procedural learning and memory. Our scientific aim is to characterize network dynamics and connectivity related to learned motor sequences and to dissect cell-specific roles in population activity, using a multi-scale approach from synapses to neurons to neuronal circuits (Fino et al., 2018, Nat Comm, Badreddine et al., 2022, Cell Reports). We combine multiphoton imaging, circuit manipulation (chemo-/optogenetics) and mapping, and patch-clamp multi-recordings in ex vivo and in vivo transgenic mouse models.

Date d'arrivée à l'IT : 01/06/2022

Postdoc : santé mentale & troubles mentaux

Type of contract CDD (2 ans)

Location Bobigny et Dijon (France),

Status Recrutement en cours

Projet post-doctoral à l'USPN et l'INRAE portant sur la santé mentale et les troubles mentaux : approche pluri-disciplinaire (biostatistiques, épidémiologie, nutrition, psychologie, endocrinologie, médecine préventive et santé publique).

Date d'arrivée à l'IT : 01/06/2022