République Française Inserm
Institut thématique Neurosciences, sciences cognitives, neurologie, psychiatrie

Post-docs & researchers / Décembre 2022

Postdoc neuroimaging

Type of contract Post-doc

Location Caen,

Status currently being recruited

The INSERM-UNICAEN-EPHE U1077 research unit based in Caen (Normandy, France) invites applications for a position as a Postdoc in the field of GABA neuroreceptor imaging, active forgetting and... 

Date d'arrivée à l'IT : 19/12/2022

Postdoctoral position in Stem Cells - Organoids - Inner ear LBN

Type of contract CDD

Location Montpellier,

Status En cours de recrutement

The Zine lab is looking for a motivated and creative post-doctoral fellow to join the inner ear stem cell biology Research Lab.

Date d'arrivée à l'IT : 19/12/2022

Research Associate in Epigenetics - UK Dementia Research Instit

Type of contract Post doc

Location London,

Status Currently being recruited

Dr Sarah Marzi invites applications for a postdoctoral Research Associate position.

Date d'arrivée à l'IT : 16/12/2022

Multiple postdoc openings at Child Health Institute of NJ

Type of contract Post-doc

Location New Brunswick,

Status Currently being recruited

The Child Health Institute of New Jersey at Rutgers Robert Wood Johnson Medical School has multiple NIH funded positions for neuroscience postdocs and research technicians in the labs of Drs. Mark Rossi, Abdelfattah El Ouaamari, Zhiping Pang, Max Tischfield, and Chiara Manzini.

Date d'arrivée à l'IT : 09/12/2022

Postdoctoral Research Fellowship in Neuroscience in Paris

Type of contract CDD (2 years)

Location Paris,

Status Currently under recruitment

The Center for interdisciplinary research in Biology, Collège de France offers a post-doc position. Applications are invited to study local translation in glial cells. 

Date d'arrivée à l'IT : 09/12/2022

2-Years position in preclinical therapeutic research in Alzheimer's disease (Paris, France)

Type of contract CDD

Location Paris,

Status Currently being recruited

The research project is related to the study in mouse models of Alzheimer’s disease (AD) of innovative strategies based on “augmented” anti-tau immunotherapies.


Date d'arrivée à l'IT : 02/12/2022

Open Position: Junior Professorship of Cellular Neurobiology (Level W1)

Type of contract CDD

Location Regensburg,

Status Currently being recruited

We are searching for a highly qualified scientist with an expertise in Cellular Neurobiology at an early stage of the scientific career, who seeks to establish an independent research group. 

Date d'arrivée à l'IT : 02/12/2022

ERC-funded 2 postdoctoral positions at the Panasyuk Lab (Paris, France) (m/f/d)

Type of contract CDD

Location Paris,

Status Currently being recruited

We are looking for motivated postdocs to join the Panasyuk Lab at the Institute Necker Enfants Malades at INSERM U1151, Paris, France. 

Date d'arrivée à l'IT : 02/12/2022