République Française Inserm
Institut thématique Neurosciences, sciences cognitives, neurologie, psychiatrie

Post-docs & researchers / Mars 2024

Post-doctoral opportunities in a supportive environment

Type of contract

Location Poitiers,

Status Available

The Laboratory of Experimental and Clinical Neurosciences Poitiers University is currently opening a range of opportunities at different career stages.

Date d'arrivée à l'IT : 28/03/2024

Postdoctoral research position in the "Comparative developmental neurobiology" team of the Institut Jacques Monod

Type of contract

Location Paris,

Status Available

The team "Comparative developmental neurobiology" at the Institut Jacques Monod in Paris, France, is recruiting a postdoctoral researcher to study the evolution of neuronal circuitry and behavior using the insect visual system as a model.

Date d'arrivée à l'IT : 28/03/2024

Postdoc position in the group of Prof. Sacha van Albada at Jülich Research Center

Type of contract CDD

Location Jülich,

Status Available

Postdoc opportunity with a focus on the simulation of large-scale biological neural networks are available in the Theoretical Neuroanatomy group led by Prof. Sacha van Albada at Jülich Research Center, Germany.

Date d'arrivée à l'IT : 28/03/2024

Postdoctoral fellowships - Neural basis of human face recognition

Type of contract CDD

Location Nancy,

Status Available

The Face Categorization Lab is recruiting two postdoctoral candidate in Nancy (France) at CNRS and Université de Lorraine. 

Date d'arrivée à l'IT : 20/03/2024

INSERM CHAIR Recruitment Using brain imaging to bridge between neuroscience and cognition

Type of contract CDD

Location Gif-sur-Yvette,

Status Available

The Inserm chair recruitments opened to Inserm are intended for researchers with strong potential to manage and lead research teams and participate in national, European or international projects.

Date d'arrivée à l'IT : 13/03/2024

Neurobiology Research assistant

Type of contract CDD

Location Paris,

Status Available

A postdoc position is available at Pasteur institute and Hearing institute to work on dyslexia.

Date d'arrivée à l'IT : 13/03/2024

Postdoc position in Neurosciences, pharmacology of addiction

Type of contract CDD

Location Paris,

Status Available

A postdoc position is available at the Center for Integrative Neurosciences and Cognition (INCC).

Date d'arrivée à l'IT : 13/03/2024

Post-Doctoral Acousto Fluidics and Neurobiology

Type of contract CDD

Location Paris,

Status Available

A postdoc position is available at CNRS to work on a project wich combining physics and neurobiology.

Date d'arrivée à l'IT : 13/03/2024

2 Post-doctoral positions at the Vision Institute

Type of contract CDD

Location Paris,

Status Available

The Vision Institute is seeking 2 creative,motivated and highly independent postdoctoral fellows to lead new research projects.

Date d'arrivée à l'IT : 07/03/2024

Neuron and brain slice high resolution functional imaging

Type of contract CDD

Location Grenoble,

Status Available

A postdoc position is available at the Laboratory of Interdisciplinary Physics (LIPhy) of the Grenoble Universityt with the Neuron Imaging & Calcium Channel team.

Date d'arrivée à l'IT : 06/03/2024