République Française Inserm
Institut thématique Neurosciences, sciences cognitives, neurologie, psychiatrie

Post-doctoral associate in the team of Anna Beyeler

Type of contract CDD 24 mois

Location Bordeaux (France),

Statut Recrutement en cours

Key Words

Details of the offer

Type of job

Type of contract CDD 24 mois

Application deadline

Employment start date

Post-doctoral associate in the team of Anna Beyeler in Bordeaux (France)






Texte de l'offre

Post-doctoral position for 2 years, starting in April 2021 : 35-42 k¤ + benefits / year, depending on the experience of the applicant.


We are using state of the art circuit dissection in mice to pin point the functional role of neural populations of the insular cortex in emotional valence and anxiety, and to identify cellular and synaptic dysfunctions of those populations in stress-induced models of psychiatric pathologies.


We are looking for an expert in SLICE ELECTROPHYSIOLOGY and SYNAPTIC PLASTICITY in mice.


The lab is part of the Bordeaux Neurocampus encompassing more than 50 labs dedicated to Neuroscience, providing an exceptionally rich environment.


Send a CV including three references, and a cover letter describing experience, goals and reasons for the interest in this position (mailto:anna.beyeler@inserm.fr).

Website : https://neurocentre-magendie.fr/recherche/Beyeler/descriptionTeam.php

Google scholar: https://scholar.google.fr/citations?user=bTLNLBEAAAAJ&hl=en

Date de fin de publication :


Type d'emploi

Post-Doctorat - Post-Doctoral position

Type de contrat


Rémunération brut mensuelles


Date limite de candidature


Date début de fonction


Information contact
