Tim Gollisch, University Medical Center Göttingen
February 09, 2022
An exciting full-time postdoc position is available in the lab of Tim Gollisch at the University Medical Center Göttingen, Germany. The project centers on investigating information processing and neural coding in the neural network of the vertebrate retina, using a combination of experimental recordings with computational modeling and data analysis. The postdoc will contribute to our ongoing work under the ERC Consolidator Grant project CODE4Vision (https://www.retina.uni-goettingen.de/code4vision/).
The work includes participation in recordings from the isolated retina (mostly mouse) with
multielectrodes, using both wild-type retinas and optogenetic retina models of vision restoration therapy. Patch-clamp recordings are also a possibility. A strong focus will then be to combine these experiments with novel tools for data analysis and mathematical modeling, using cascade-type models (linear-nonlinear models and beyond), artificial neural networks, or machine-learning techniques to analyze the retinal network.
Our research group is integrated into the strong and lively neuroscience research community of Göttingen, including the university, several Max Planck Institutes, the German Primate Center, and the European Neuroscience Institute. We are also part of the Bernstein Center for Computational Neuroscience Göttingen and of the Collaborative Research Centers “Cellular Mechanisms of Sensory Processing” (http://sfb889.uni-goettingen.de/) and “Mathematics of Experiment” (https://www.uni-goettingen.de/en/628179.html). For more information about the research group, please visit the group’s website: https://www.retina.uni-goettingen.de/.
We are looking for a highly motivated scientist with a good background in electrophysiology or
computational/theoretical neuroscience. Experience in both of these areas is a bonus, but not
required. Experience in computer programming or in scripting of data analysis routines is also a plus.
The position is for 2 years initially with the possibility for renewal. Please send your application to Tim Gollisch (tim.gollisch@med.uni-goettingen.de), including a CV, a statement of what interests you about the group’s work, and contact details for two references.
The University Medical Center Göttingen is an equal opportunities employer, and women are
especially encouraged to apply. Applicants with disabilities and equal qualifications will be given preferential treatment.