UCL Sainsbury Wellcome Centre for Neural Circuits and Behaviour (SWC)London, United KingdomExpires on April 15, 2022 |
We encourage applications from early career scientists from across the globe, with an ambitious research plan that tackles hard questions in systems and/or theoretical neuroscience. A shared goal of SWC group leaders is to generate experimentally testable theories of brain function in a culture that encourages bold research, innovation, and collaboration. SWC group leaders receive generous core funds for five years (renewable) and are supported by state-of-the-art facilities including prototyping and fabrication, imaging, virology, histology and in-house high-performance computing facilities, accommodated in a new, purpose-designed building. Close interaction with the Gatsby Computational Neuroscience Unit, located within the Centre, enables collaborations in data analysis, computational modelling, machine learning and theory. SWC also benefits from interaction with the wider UCL Neuroscience community, which brings together more than 450 principal investigators. Who we’re looking for We welcome applications from outstanding scientists with backgrounds in any field of neuroscience or related areas, with exciting research plans that address fundamental questions in neuroscience and who are keen to participate in collaborative and cooperative science. We are particularly interested in scientists with innovative experimental and theoretical approaches. Candidates need to have a PhD in neuroscience or a cognate area and postdoctoral research experience at the time of application. We particularly welcome female applicants and those from an ethnic minority, as they are under-represented within SWC at this level. How to apply Send your CV, a cover letter explaining your interest in joining SWC, a research proposal and the names of three referees to swc.hr@ucl.ac.uk. Shortlisted candidates will be asked to deliver a presentation on their research to members of the UCL neuroscience community at SWC, and give a chalk talk to a panel of SWC and UCL staff. Visit our website to download the full candidate information pack. For further enquiries, including expressions of interest in senior academic positions, please contact the Chair of the Search Committee, Associate Director Professor Troy Margrie: t.margrie@ucl.ac.uk Any other queries relating to the vacancy or how to apply should be directed to the SWC HR team: swc.hr@ucl.ac.uk Applications are open until 18 April 2022. |
| Qualification PhD
Job Type Principal Investigator
Discipline Life Science
Hours Full Time
Duration Fixed Term