Type d'offre : Post-Doctorat - Post-Doctoral position
Ville : Caen (France)
Statut : En cours
Date d'arrivée à l'ITMO : Vendredi 01 Avril 2022
PostDoc Position in Preclinical Cognitive Neurosciences
Texte de l'offre
The INSERM-UNICAEN-COMETE U1075 research unit (http://comete.unicaen.fr/) invites applications for a 12-month postdoctoral position in the field of preclinical cognitive neurosciences. Across complementary approaches, the COMETE Unit 1075 aims to investigate the fundamental mechanisms involved in mobilities and cognition, with a particular focus on attentional and memory processes, physical activity adaptation, spatial orientation, and how these mechanisms evolve throughout lifespan. Results obtained have impacts on fundamental research as well as in clinics, applied research, economic and technological valorization and public health. The post-doctoral researcher will be recruited to be part of the preclinical research program "RESILOU", led by Dr. Marianne LEGER and Pr. Thomas FRERET. This program aims to decipher the cerebral processes of 'resilience' involved in the context of Alzheimer's disease (AD). Resilience describes the ability of some AD patients to depict preserved cognitive performances, irrespective of the level of neuropathological hallmarks. The project will focus resilience processes during the early phase of pathology and intend to identify new and innovative therapeutic insights. The objectives of our project are 1) to investigate the neural correlates of cognitive resilience in a preclinical model of early stages of human AD and 2) to test the therapeutic relevance of targeted signaling pathways to prevent the development of AD signs.