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Institut thématique Neurosciences, sciences cognitives, neurologie, psychiatrie

Postdoctoral Position at Robert-Debré hospital for the LISA project

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  • Type d'offre : Postdoc
  • Ville : Paris
  • Statut : Available
Date d'arrivée à l'ITMO : Jeudi 06 Avril 2023

Postdoctoral Position at Robert-Debré hospital for the LISA project


psychiatry, mental health, psychoeducational






Working place: Child and Adolescent Psychiatry Department of the Robert Debré Hospital AP-HP

Background: LISA, Learning through Iterative Systems for social-emotional Achievement, is a novel, systematic, scientifically and technologically grounded approach to better train and equip all stakeholders in education so they can effectively support learning, well-being, and the mental health of students. LISA will provide knowledge and understanding of each child's needs and strengths, without stigma, as well as providing a common conceptual and practical foundation to facilitate collaboration among teachers, families, and other specialists for the benefit of students - in school and beyond. At the heart of LISA is the creation of interactive digital assessment tools and modular guides to provide teachers, families, and other stakeholders with the knowledge and resources necessary to effectively, efficiently, and successfully provide high quality educational experiences for all students.

Profile Requirements:

- PhD or clinical degree in psychology or a related discipline

- Background in cognitive psychology, cognitive neuroscience, and/or cognitive developmental psychology

- Experience in clinical validation and in developing assessment and intervention tools will be considered an advantage

- Strong writing and communication skills.

- Programming skills will be considered an advantage

- Ability to work independently and with multidisciplinary teams with a minimum steering and supervision;

- Excellent command of French (written and oral)

- Fluency in English will be considered an advantage. A basic level of English is needed to interact with international partners on a regular basis.

- Strong organizational skills with the ability to manage multiple projects simultaneously.

Role: Development and Validation of Digital Assessments, Psychoeducational Resources in Clinical and School settings.

  1. Reliability and validation studies with FACETS (Functional Activity, Cognition, Emotion and Thinking Scale), a novel instrument for assessing a broad range of individual characteristics, including learning, behavior, cognition, emotion, and mental health. Pilot studies will be conducted in clinical settings (at Hopital Robert Debre) and schools in the Paris area. The candidate will be expected to conduct studies, in collaboration with the stakeholders involved, and help analyze  and publish results with the team. Other assessments, and interventions are envisioned.


  1. Development, co-construction, and validation of psychoeducational resources and practical guides as part of the Clepsy initiative, in collaboration with project partners. Clepsy, as part of the global initiative of the Centre of Excellence for Autism Spectrum Disorders and Neurodevelopmental Disorders of Île-de-France (InovAND), aims to provide practical guides and tools on topics of mental health disorders, to better support families in their daily lives and to share our work with professionals.

The successful candidate will work collaboratively with an international, interdisciplinary team of teachers, researchers, clinicians, school administrators, families, and other experts in child development and education.


Post doc position


CDD (temporary / 12 months + over 1 or 2 years; extension potential pending grant approval)


Standard academic salary grid, according to experience (2,500 - 3,500 per month)


Please submit a 1 page motivation letter, 2-page CV, list of publications and contacts of two references by mail to Ana VERGNON : ana.vergnon@aphp.fr