KEY WORDS | electrophysiology, imaging, neuroscience |
CITY | Gif-sur-Yvette |
COUNTRY | France |
DETAILS OF THE OFFER | Working place: NeuroPSI (JM Edeline lab, Saclay) and Institut de l’Audition (B Bathellier lab, Paris) Missions: The team « Neural code & auditory perception » (Jean-Marc Edeline lab) and the team “Auditory system dynamics and multisensory processing” (Brice Bathellier lab) are looking for a very motivated post-doc. The project is collaborative effort between Jean-Marc Edeline (Paris-Saclay), Brice Bathellier and Luc Arnal (both at the Hearing Institute in Paris). The recruited post-doc will be engaged to perform electrophysiological and/or 2-photon recordings in the auditory structures of head-fixed mice engaged in a discrimination task between target stimuli embedded in various levels background noise. Sound sequences will predict the target stimuli and should help the animals to reach better performance in noise. Potentially, she/he will be also involved in the optogenetic studies performed subsequently to evaluate the key role of cortical regions (orbitofrontal cortex and posterior parietal cortex) in transmitting predictions to the auditory cortex and the subcortical auditory structures. Qualifications: Strong experience in in vivo electrophysiology and/or in vivo calcium imaging in mice. Good computing skills are mandatory and good knowledge about the auditory system will be appreciated. |
TYPE OF JOB | Postdoc position |
TYPE OF CONTRACT | CDD (temporary / 2-4 years) |