KEY WORDS | cognition, neurobiology, neuroscience |
CITY | Dijon |
COUNTRY | France |
DETAILS OF THE OFFER | Working place: CNRS / The UMR Centre des Sciences du Goût et de l'Alimentation (CSGA) Missions: The mission of CNRS Biologie is to develop and coordinate research in biology aimed at deciphering the complexity of living organisms, from atoms to biomolecules, from cells to whole organisms and populations. In line with this core mission, the neurobiology of sensory perception of food is a vast interdisciplinary field combining neurology, nutrition, integrated physiology, chemistry and cognition. Better understanding by which mechanisms a living organism detects, perceives and chooses food, and how the generated chemical signals are integrated into the brain neuronal circuits, lies at the heart of the societal challenges of our society (eating disorders, obesity). The successful candidate, through its international experience and established collaboration networks, will strengthen the research unit's strategy aimed at attracting foreign students for PhD studies (international Master P2Food co-managed by CSGA academic researchers) and post-doc positions. The network of European universities within the FORTHEM alliance will serve as a lever for hosting researchers and students from foreign institutions, thereby enhancing participation in the development of European and international projects. Qualifications: Holders of a doctorate or a PhD or equivalent degree or applicants who have gained scientific qualifications or carried out scientific work deemed to be of an equivalent level.There is no restriction on the age or nationality of applicants. All CNRS positions are accessible to people with disabilities, with special arrangements for tests made necessary by the nature of the disability.
TYPE OF JOB | Tenure Track Position - Post-Doctorat - Post-Doctoral position |
TYPE OF CONTRACT | CDD (Between 3 and 6 years depending on the research project and the profile of the scientist) |
REMUNERATION | Annual salary from 54 600 Euros to 57 800 Euros depending on professionnal experience. |