KEY WORDS | Cellular biology, Evolution-development, Reproduction |
CITY | Paris |
COUNTRY | France |
DETAILS OF THE OFFER | Working place: CNRS We study how cells control microtubule nucleation and organisation in order to generate specialised microtubule arrays, such as the mitotic spindle or the polarised microtubule networks within neurons. We focus on gamma-tubulin ring complexes (g-TuRCs), which template and stimulate new microtubule formation at microtubule organising centres (MTOCs), such as the centrosome or Golgi. The lab primarily uses Drosophila as an animal model system and we span scales, relating the molecular structure and composition of g-TuRCs to their recruitment and activation within cells. The IJM is situated in the heart of Paris and offers state-of-the-art facilities and a dynamic research environment. You will be under the direct supervision of Dr. Paul Conduit, who is a group leader at the IJM. Missions: We are recruiting a postdoctoral researcher to investigate how microtubule nucleation is regulated in the context of neuronal development within Drosophila. The recruited postdoctoral fellow will use powerful genetics and advanced cell imaging of neurons in situ. This project will be financed by an Impulscience grant, which runs until June 2029. The postdoctoral fellow will be using Drosophila as a model organism. They will be managing Drosophila stocks and setting up genetic crosses to generate new stocks and to perform experiments. They will perform dissections and mount samples for imaging on a new high-end spinning disk microscope with laser ablation, FRAP and TIRF functionality. They will be required to manage and interpret the data they produce and disseminate their results in team meetings and at international conferences. Qualifications:
TYPE OF JOB | Postdoc |
TYPE OF CONTRACT | CDD (temporary / 36 months) |
REMUNERATION | Between 2 930 ¤ (less than 2 years' experience) and 4 390 ¤ (experience between 7 and 10 years) gross monthly salary |