République Française Inserm
Institut thématique Neurosciences, sciences cognitives, neurologie, psychiatrie

Two-Year Postdoc Position on the Role of Temporal Integration in Visual Attention Using Human Intracerebral Recordings

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  • Type d'offre :
  • Ville : Nancy
  • Statut : Available
Date d'arrivée à l'ITMO : Mercredi 03 Juillet 2024


Visual Attention, Visual Perception, Cortical Gradients, Human Intracerebral, Scalp EEG Recordings, Neuropsychology






Starting Date: November 2024 (flexible)

We are seeking a talented postdoctoral fellow to join the Clinical Research in Neuroscience lab at Université de Lorraine, Nancy, France. The project focuses on the role of temporal integration in visual attention and its functional architecture in the human brain.

Our lab specializes in exploring high-level cognitive functions such as visual perception and attention in both epileptic patients and healthy individuals. We use cutting-edge techniques, including simultaneous intracerebral and surface EEG recordings, fast periodic visual stimulation, computational tools, electrical intracerebral stimulation, eye tracking, and psychophysics.

This research project will be conducted in Tal Seidel Malkinson’s group in close collaboration with Bruno Rossion, Laurent Koessler, Jacques Jonas, and other researchers and clinicians in our lab.

Located at the picturesque Central Hospital of Nancy, our lab works synergistically with the adjacent epilepsy service, the second largest implantation center in France.

Requirements for the Candidate:

  • PhD in cognitive neuroscience, psychology, computational neuroscience, or related fields
  • Solid expertise in EEG, MEG, or intracerebral recordings analysis is a plus
  • Proficiency in coding for data analysis using programming languages such as R, MATLAB, or Python
  • Fluent in English; knowledge of French is a plus
  • Excellent communication skills and ability to work in a team
  • Experience in working with patients is highly desirable

This full-time postdoc position is funded for two years, expected to start in November 2024 (with some flexibility possible).

How to Apply:

Please send an email to tal.seidel-malkinson@univ-lorraine.fr with the following information:

  • A CV
  • A short description (1 page) of your previous research experience relevant to the current project and your research interests
  • Two contacts from whom recommendations can be obtained

Applications will be considered on a rolling basis, starting immediately. The recruitment is open until the position is filled.

Relevant References:

  • Seidel Malkinson, T., Bayle, D.J., Kaufmann, B.C., Liu, J., Bourgeois, A., Lehongre, K., Fernandez-Vidal, S., et al. (2024). "Intracortical Recordings Reveal Vision-to-Action Cortical Gradients Driving Human Exogenous Attention." Nature Communications, 15(1), 2586.
  • Liu, J., Bayle, D.J., Spagna, A., Sitt, J.D., Bourgeois, A., Lehongre, K., Fernandez-Vidal, S., Navarro, V., Adam, C., Lambrecq, V., Seidel Malkinson, T., Bartolomeo, P. (2023). "Fronto-parietal Networks Shape Human Conscious Report through Attention Gain and Reorienting." Communications Biology.
  • Rossion, B., Jacques, C., Jonas, J. (2018). "Mapping Face Categorization in the Human Ventral Occipito-Temporal Cortex with Direct Neural Intracranial Recordings." Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, 1426, 5-24.
  • Jonas, J., Jacques, C., Liu-Shuang, J., Brissart, H., Colnat-Coulbois, S., Maillard, L., & Rossion, B. (2016). "A Face-Selective Ventral Occipito-Temporal Map of the Human Brain with Intracerebral Potentials." Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 113(28), E4088-97.



Postdoc position


31 Aug 2024

Please send an email to tal.seidel-malkinson@univ-lorraine.fr with the following information:

  • A CV
  • A short description (1 page) of your previous research experience relevant to the current project and your research interests
  • Two contacts from whom recommendations can be obtained