République Française Inserm
Institut thématique Neurosciences, sciences cognitives, neurologie, psychiatrie

Postdoc in influence on physiological states on neural circuits and behavior

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  • Type d'offre : CDD
  • Ville : Saclay
  • Statut : Available
Date d'arrivée à l'ITMO : Mercredi 17 Juillet 2024

Postdoc in influence on physiological states on neural circuits and behavior


neural circuit, physiological states, behavior






One of the key roles of the brain is to regulate behavior depending not only on the ever-changing external demands by also in line with internal physiological needs. This capacity of the brain to modulate the behavioral output depending on the physiological state has implications for its organization: the mapping between sensory information and motor output needs to be flexible. This allows different types of physiological state information information to modulate the outcome of the decision process. Where and how this is achieved in the nervous system remains an intriguing open question and answering it has been a daunting task in the field of neuroscience. The modulation of neural circuit activity can occur at synapses and individual cells or local circuits and global networks. Studying it comprehensively thus requires different levels of analysis, from molecules and neural circuits to larger networks and behavior. The goal of the project is to study the influence of physiological states on brain function and behaviorfrom brain-wide neural circuit to molecular mechanisms. To determine the general principles of thow physiological states affect brain and behavior acrosses we will use a simple organism, the Drosophila Melanogaster larva, that has many advantages for mapping neural circuits across the nervous system : a compact brain of about 10 000 neurons that has been mapped at synapse resolution and genetic tools allow to establish causal relationships between single neurons and behavior: we will use a combination of neurphysiology, functional imaging, quantitative behavioral analysis, genetics and connectomics
We are seeking applications of highly motivated individuals, preferably with background in neuroscience. PhD in neuroscience, biology or related fields is required. Experience in behavioral analysis, Calcium- imaging and/or Drosophila neurogenetics will be appreciated. The candidate will work in the team Neural Circuits and Behavior headed by Tihana Jovanic at the Paris Saclay Institute of Neuroscience (Neuro-PSI). NeuroPSI is an institute dedicated to fundamental research in neuroscience at Paris-Saclay University (25 km South-West of Paris). The NeuroPSI research groups address a wide range of questions in neuroscience, from molecules to cognition and from embryos to adults, using multiscale experimental and theoretical approaches. NeuroPSI recently moved to a brand-new building next to the NeuroSpin institute for brain imaging, thus forming the largest neuroscience cluster in the Paris area. NeuroPSI has state-of the art core facilities and the Saclay campus provides a highly interdisciplinary and collaborative environment mixing university and engineering schools, with excellent laboratories in fundamental and applied science. The project will give opportunities for both national and international collaborations.



Postdoc position


CDD (temporary / renewable)


September 1, 2024

Tihana Jovanic