République Française Inserm
Institut thématique Neurosciences, sciences cognitives, neurologie, psychiatrie

Neuronal mechanisms of psychedelics in drug addiction

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Date d'arrivée à l'ITMO : Mercredi 21 Aout 2024

Neuronal mechanisms of psychedelics in drug addiction


patch-clamp, optogenetics, brain slices






Working place: University Center of Scientific Health Research (CURS, in French) in the University hospital / INSERM group of Pr M. Naassila (GRAP, Groupe de Recherche sur l'Alcool et les Pharmacodépendances, UMR 1247, France)

The INSERM group of Pr M. Naassila (GRAP, Groupe de Recherche sur l'Alcool et les Pharmacodépendances, UMR 1247, France - https://grap.u-picardie.fr/), is looking for a postdoctoral researcher to study the neuronal mechanisms of psilocybin, a psychedelic that has recently shown, promise in the treatment of drug addiction. This research is part of the national ANR translational project PAPAUD, including clinicians and preclinicians partners, which seeks to investigate the application of psychedelics in patients with alcohol use disorder, while elucidating their mechanisms of action (see our publications : https://doi.org/10.1126/sciadv.abh2399 ; https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/38554193/ ). In this work, the GRAP uses animal models of binge drinking and alcohol addiction to study the behavioral and neuronal mechanisms underlying alcohol use disorder in order to develop new therapeutics.


Current medical treatments for alcohol addiction are not sufficiently effective, but psychedelics emerge as a powerful tool to reduce the disease. However, there is a lack of knowledge regarding their effectiveness in modulating neuronal excitability and functional synaptic plasticity in relation to their known effects on structural plasticity on both the short- and the long-term. The research work will include ex vivo electrophysiology using state-of-the art technologies (patch-clamp, optogenetics, DREADDS), together with extracellular field recording in rodent brain slices containing either the nucleus accumbens or the hippocampus, in combination with immunohistochemistry and molecular biology. In addition, the candidate will have the opportunity to supervise Master's students and to give courses in the local Master degree.



Highly motivated individuals with a PhD in Neurosciences and a strong background in ex vivo electrophysiology (neuronal excitability, spontaneous synaptic transmission, transmembrane current recordings and analysis). Knowledge about synaptic plasticity (long-term potentiation and long-term depression) would be a plus. Previous experience with optogenetic, immunofluorescence or molecular biology is welcome. Successful candidates are enthusiastic, responsible, and able to perform their own experiments and analysis. They can provide suggestions and support in experimental design and experimentation to other members of the group. It is an advantage if you already have performed a 2 years pots-doc after your PhD.

What do we offer?

The GRAP offers a creative and inspiring environment with wide-ranging expertise from liver cell culture to behavioral procedure (operant-cages), in vivo calcium-imaging, or fast-cyclic voltammetry in addition to neuroimaging technics. At the University Center for Health Research, we conduct successful biomedical researches in different scientific areas from neurosciences to virology or blood cancer giving the opportunity to exchange knowledge and experience with others researchers. The Research Center is equipped with a modern animal facility including an fRMI for small animals and a bio-imaging platform with modern light-sheet and confocal microscopes.


PhD position


CDD (temporary / 2 years)


4000 ¤/month (This is a competitive salaried position starting from 50 000¤ / year)


As soon as possible or as agreed